Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees

Friday, May 9, 2014
Gold Room, DiGiorgio Campus Center
Winthrop University
Rock Hill, South Carolina


  1. Call to Order
  2. Public Comment*
  3. Approval of Board Minutes of February 28-March 2, 2014
  4. Report of the Executive Committee and Chair of the Board
    1. Resolution to Honor Dr. James Williamson for Meritorious Service on the Winthrop University Board of Trustees
    2. Resolution to Honor Mr. Christopher Aubrie for Meritorious Service to the Winthrop Board of Trustees
  5. Report of the Committee on Academic Affairs
    1. Resolution to Confer Emeritus Faculty Status
    2. Resolution to Move Minimum Hours for a Bachelor's Degree from 124 to 120
  6. Report of the Committee on Finance
  7. Report of the Committee on Advancement and Development
  8. Report of the Committee on Student Life
  9. Report of the Nominating Committee
    1. Election of Officers for 2014-15 Term
  10. Report from the Chair of Faculty Conference
  11. Report from the Chair of the Council of Student Leaders
  12. Report from the President
  13. Executive Session
  14. Old Business
  15. New Business
  16. Adjournment


Committee on Academic Affairs

Friday, May 9, 2014
Macfeat House


Winthrop Vision: Re-define excellence in public higher education by integrating access and quality in a single institution.

Winthrop Strategic Priorities:

  1. Promote access and degree attainment for an increasing number of diverse traditional, post-traditional, and graduate students.
  2. Continually enhance the quality of the Winthrop University Experience, using high impact practices to ensure that all Winthrop students are prepared for career success, engaged in our democratic society, involved in local and global concerns, and grounded in values that give meaning to their lives.
  3. Create and maintain a work place culture consistent with our core values and characterized by collaborative decision making, transparency, civility, fair salaries and wages, and investment in the professional development of our faculty and staff.
  4. Elevate Winthrop's institutional reputation regionally and nationally in ways that highlight the value of a Winthrop University education and support enrollment management, fundraising, and public funding.
  5. Cultivate a "culture of philanthropy" that will enable our rising aspirations.
  6. Forge new and solidify existing governmental, educational, organizational, and business partnerships that create mutual benefit.

From these strategic priorities we are now in the process of identifying goals and their associated initiatives. Upon acceptance by the Board, the goals, initiatives, and resulting work plan will be promulgated to the campus.

  1. Call To Order
  2. Approval of Committee Minutes of February 28, 2014
  3. Consideration of a Resolution to Move Minimum Hours for a Bachelor's Degree from 124 to 120
  4. Consideration of a Resolution to Confer Emeritus Faculty Status
  5. Report from the Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees
  6. Tenure and Promotion Review
  7. Discussion of Key Performance Indicators as related to Academic Affairs
    1. % of Undergraduate (UG) Credit Hour Production Delivered by Full-time (FT) Faculty
    2. % of FT Faculty with Terminal Degree
    3. Student/Faculty Ratio
    4. Number of UG Degree Recipients
    5. Number of GR Degree Recipients
    6. % of UGs who Graduate with Formal Hands-on Learning Experiences
    7. % of UG Students who Graduate with Study Abroad Experience
    8. Student Engagement/Service
    9. One-year Retention Rate: First-time, Full-time (FT/FT) Freshmen
    10. Overall Undergraduate Retention Rate
    11. 4-Year Graduation Rate: FT/FT Freshmen
    12. 6-Year Graduation Rate: FT/FT Freshmen
    13. One-Year Retention Rate: UG Transfers (full-time)
    14. 4-Year Graduation Rate: UG Transfers (full-time)
  8. Items To Consider for 2014-15

Committee on Finance

Friday, May 9, 2014
Polly Ford Conference Room


Winthrop Vision: Re-define excellence in public higher education by integrating access and quality in a single institution.

Winthrop Strategic Priorities:

  1. Promote access and degree attainment for an increasing number of diverse traditional, post-traditional, and graduate students.
  2. Continually enhance the quality of the Winthrop University Experience, using high impact practices to ensure that all Winthrop students are prepared for career success, engaged in our democratic society, involved in local and global concerns, and grounded in values that give meaning to their lives.
  3. Create and maintain a work place culture consistent with our core values and characterized by collaborative decision making, transparency, civility, fair salaries and wages, and investment in the professional development of our faculty and staff.
  4. Elevate Winthrop's institutional reputation regionally and nationally in ways that highlight the value of a Winthrop University education and support enrollment management, fundraising, and public funding.
  5. Cultivate a "culture of philanthropy" that will enable our rising aspirations.
  6. Forge new and solidify existing governmental, educational, organizational, and business partnerships that create mutual benefit.

From these strategic priorities we are now in the process of identifying goals and their associated initiatives. Upon acceptance by the Board, the goals, initiatives, and resulting work plan will be promulgated to the campus.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Minutes from February 28, 2014 meeting of the Finance Committee
  3. Presentation by External Audit Firm*
  4. Review of 2013-2014 Budget
  5. Discussion of Key Performance Indicators as related to Finance and Business
    1. Total Expenditures per FTE (IPEDS)
    2. %/Total Revenue from Net Tuition (millions)
    3. Housing Occupancy Rate
    4. %/ Total of Recurring Revenue from State Appropriations (millions)
    5. WU Unrestricted Net Position (millions)
    6. WU Debt Total/Annual Expense (millions)
    7. Enrollment as a Percent of Acceptances
    8. % of students Pell Eligible
  6. Old Business

(* Indicates no supporting materials are included in this mailing)

Committee on Institutional Advancement and Development

Friday, May 9, 2014
Thompson Conference Room


Winthrop Vision: Re-define excellence in public higher education by integrating access and quality in a single institution.

Winthrop Strategic Priorities:

  1. Promote access and degree attainment for an increasing number of diverse traditional, post-traditional, and graduate students.
  2. Continually enhance the quality of the Winthrop University Experience, using high impact practices to ensure that all Winthrop students are prepared for career success, engaged in our democratic society, involved in local and global concerns, and grounded in values that give meaning to their lives.
  3. Create and maintain a work place culture consistent with our core values and characterized by collaborative decision making, transparency, civility, fair salaries and wages, and investment in the professional development of our faculty and staff.
  4. Elevate Winthrop's institutional reputation regionally and nationally in ways that highlight the value of a Winthrop University education and support enrollment management, fundraising, and public funding.
  5. Cultivate a "culture of philanthropy" that will enable our rising aspirations.
  6. Forge new and solidify existing governmental, educational, organizational, and business partnerships that create mutual benefit.

From these strategic priorities we are now in the process of identifying goals and their associated initiatives. Upon acceptance by the Board, the goals, initiatives, and resulting work plan will be promulgated to the campus.

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Committee Minutes of February 28, 2014
  3. Discussion of Key Performance Indicators as related to Access and Enrollment Management
    1. Undergraduate Applications, Acceptances, and Average Composite ACT/SAT
    2. Graduate Applications and Acceptances
    3. % of Pell Eligible Students
    4. Retention and Graduation Rates for Undergraduate Students
    5. Diversity
  4. Discussion of Key Performance Indicators as related to Institutional Advancement
    1. Campaign/Initiative total/Goal
    2. Alumni Giving Percentage
    3. Alumni Giving Revenue
    4. Major Gift Revenue
    5. Scholarship Revenue
    6. Planned Giving Expectancies and Realized Gifts
    7. Endowment total/per student
  5. Discussion of Key Performance Indicators as related to Community Engagement
    1. Engagement/Service
  6. Winthrop University Foundation
    1. 2013 Year-end Financial Report
    2. Outcomes related to 2014 Scholarship Summit
    3. Discussion of Key Performance Indicators as related to Winthrop University Foundation
    4. %/Total of Recurring Revenue from Foundation

Committee on Student Life

Friday, February 28, 2014
Room 222, DiGiorgio Campus Center


Winthrop Vision: Re-define excellence in public higher education by integrating access and quality in a single institution.

Winthrop Strategic Priorities:

  1. Promote access and degree attainment for an increasing number of diverse traditional, post-traditional, and graduate students.
  2. Continually enhance the quality of the Winthrop University Experience, using high impact practices to ensure that all Winthrop students are prepared for career success, engaged in our democratic society, involved in local and global concerns, and grounded in values that give meaning to their lives.
  3. Create and maintain a work place culture consistent with our core values and characterized by collaborative decision making, transparency, civility, fair salaries and wages, and investment in the professional development of our faculty and staff.
  4. Elevate Winthrop's institutional reputation regionally and nationally in ways that highlight the value of a Winthrop University education and support enrollment management, fundraising, and public funding.
  5. Cultivate a "culture of philanthropy" that will enable our rising aspirations.
  6. Forge new and solidify existing governmental, educational, organizational, and business partnerships that create mutual benefit.

From these strategic priorities we are now in the process of identifying goals and their associated initiatives. Upon acceptance by the Board, the goals, initiatives, and resulting work plan will be promulgated to the campus.

  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Committee Minutes of February 28, 2014
  3. Discussion of Key Performance Indicators as related to Student Life
    1. % of undergraduates who graduate with formal hands-on learning experiences
    2. % of undergraduates who graduate with at least 15 formal hours of civic engagement
    3. % work study allocated to service
    4. Student placement rate
    5. Housing occupancy rate
    6. One-Year Retention Rate: First-Time Full-Time (FT/FT) Freshmen
    7. Overall Undergraduate Retention Rate
    8. 4-Year Graduation Rate - FT/FT Freshmen
    9. 6-Year Graduation Rate - FT/FT Freshmen
  4. Year-end Report on 2013-14 Athletic Teams' Results with Sport Histories
  5. The NCAA Academic Progress Rate Report
  6. Authority and Intersections of the Student Conduct Code, Housing Contract, and Campus Law Enforcement
  7. Old Business
  8. New Business