Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees

April 6, 2018 | 1:30 p.m.
Gold Room, DiGiorgio Campus Center
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC


  1. Call to Order
  2. Public Comment if requested
  3. Approval of Board Minutes of February 2-3, 2018
  4. Report of the Executive Committee and Chair of the Board
    1. Appoint Nominating Committee for AY2018-19
  5. Report from the President
  6. Report of the Committee on Student Life and Athletics
  7. Report from the Committee on Compensation
  8. Report from the Committee on Academic Quality
    1. Resolution To Establish Master of Education in Teacher Leadership
    2. Resolution To Establish Master of Education in Learning Design and Technology
  9. Report from the Committee on Enrollment and Retention
  10. Report of the Committee on Institutional Advancement and Development
  11. Report from the Committee on Finance
  12. Reports from the Representatives to the Board
    1. Report from the Chair of Faculty Conference
    2. Report from the Chair of the Council of Student Leaders
  13. Executive Session pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. 30-4-70(a)(1) for the purposes of discussion of employment matters involving certain present university employees
  14. Old Business
  15. Adjournment


Committee on Finance

Winthrop University Board of Trustees
Friday, April 6, 2018 | 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Thompson Conference Room Winthrop University


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Committee Minutes of February 2, 2018
  3. Update on Student Housing Long Range Plan
  4. Review of the 2017-2018 Year-to-Date Activity
  5. Discussion on FY19 Planning and the Budget Process
  6. Old Business
  7. New Business
  8. Adjournment


Committee on Academic Quality

Winthrop University Board of Trustees
April 6, 2018 | 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Macfeat House | Winthrop University


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of the Minutes of the February 2, 2018 Meeting
  3. Resolution To Establish Master of Education in Teacher Leadership
  4. Resolution To Establish Master of Education in Learning Design and Technology
  5. High Impact Practices: Undergraduate Research with Student Research Poster Session (Sims Lobby)
  6. Grant Activity Report
  7. Provost's Report
  8. Report from the Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees
  9. Other Items
  10. Old Business
  11. New Business
  12. Adjournment


Committee on Institutional Advancement and Development

Winthrop University Board of Trustees
April 6th, 2018 | 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
DiGiorgio Campus Center, Room 222


  1. Call to Order/Introductions
  2. Approval of Committee Minutes of February 2, 2018
  3. University Relations Report on Progress of Divisional Objectives
  4. Update on 2018 Session of the General Assembly
  5. Update on rebranding
  6. Report on University Events community outreach
  7. University Advancement Staffing
  8. University Advancement Dashboard
  9. Advancement Portfolio
  10. 2017 Giving & Year in Review
  11. University Advancement & Foundation Partnership
  12. Adjournment


Committee on Student Life & Athletics

Winthrop University Board of Trustees
April 5, 2018 | 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
DiGiorgio Campus Center, Room 222 | Winthrop University


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Committee Minutes of February 2, 2018
  3. Athletics Strategic Plan Review and Update
  4. Introduction of Student Success Operation
  5. Highlighted Student Athlete Profiles
  6. Explanation of Student Success in Athletics
  7. Measuring Student Success in Athletics
  8. The Evolution of Residence Education
  9. Update on Search for New Vice President of Student Affairs
  10. Adjournment


Committee on Enrollment and Retention

Winthrop University Board of Trustees
April 5, 2018 | 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Joynes Hall, Baruch Room


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approval of Committee Minutes of the Feb. 2, 2018
  3. Factors Impacting Student Success
  4. RFP Updates
    1. Admissions CRM
    2. Financial Aid Leveraging
  5. Enrollment Update
    1. Freshman and Transfer Recruitment
    2. Action Group Update
    3. Potential State Lottery Scholarship Changes
  6. Old Business
  7. New Business
  8. Adjournment


Committee on Compensation

Winthrop University Board of Trustees
Thursday, April 5, 2018 | 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Macfeat House | Winthrop University


  1. Call to Order/Introductions
  2. Approval of Committee Minutes of February 2, 2018, February 27, 2018, March 21, 2018, and March 28, 2018
  3. Employee Satisfaction Survey update
  4. Review of Directors' and Officers' Insurance renewal
  5. Diversity Initiatives update
    • SC Human Affairs Commission Report
    • Implicit Bias Exercise
  6. Report from VP for HR, Employee Diversity and Wellness
    • TIAA and VALIC 403(b) Investment Menu Change
    • HR Office changes
    • RFP updates — Classification and Compensation Study; Talent Management Software
  7. Old Business/New Business
  8. Executive Session pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. 30-4-70(a)(1) for the purposes of discussion of employment matters involving certain university employees
  9. Adjournment