Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees

Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees
Committee on Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, & Enrollment Management
Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 11:00 am
The Olde Stone House | The Farm Athletic Fields
Winthrop University | Rock Hill, South Carolina


1.  Call to Order
2.  Approval Minutes from April 24, 2024
3.  Academic Affairs
    a.Update and Timeline on New Academic Programs
    b.  Update on Honors College
    c.  Resolution on Emeritus Faculty
         i.   Motion to Approve Resolution as Presented and Recommend to the Full Board
        ii.  BoT Res. # FY2324-0032: Granting Emeriti Status
    d.  Resolution on New Academic Programs
         i.  Motion to Approve Resolution as Presented and Recommend to the Full Board
        ii.  BoT Res. # FY2324-0033: Approving Academic Programs
    e.  Resolution on CBE Fees
         i  .Motion to Approve Resolution as Presented and Recommend to the Committee on Finance
        ii.  BoT Res. # FY2324-0034: CBE Fees
4.  Enrollment Management
    a.  Update on Enrollment and Retention
    b.  Admitted Student Profile
    c.  Update on Tuition Transparency Initiative
5.  Student Affairs
    a.  Update on Career Services and Placement
    b.  Update and Timelines on Council of Student Leaders
    c.  Update and Timelines on Fraternity and Sorority Life
6.  Old Business
7.  New Business

8.  Adjournment


Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees 
Committee on External Engagement and Athletics 
Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 1:15 pm
The Olde Stone House | The Farm Athletic Field
Winthrop University | Rock Hill, South Carolina


1.  Call to Order

2.  Approval of Minutes from April 24, 2024

3.  University Advancement
    a.  Reminder of Dedications
    b.  FY23-24 Fundraising Update
    c.  Honors College Fundraising Plan

4.  Athletics
    a.  NCAA and Spring Sports Update
    b.  Update on Eagle Club Auction
    c.  E-Sports Enrollment

5.  Old Business

6.  New Business

7.  Adjournment


Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees Committee on Strategic Planning and Facilities
Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 2:45 pm
The Olde Stone House | The Farm Athletic Field
Winthrop University | Rock Hill, South Carolina


1.  Call to Order

2.  Approval Minutes from April 24, 2024

3.  Legislative Affairs

4.  Strategic Planning
    a.  Resolution on Modifying Language as Required by CHE
    b.  Motion to Approve Resolution as Presented and Recommend to the Board
    c.  BoT Res. # FY2324-0035: Mission, Vision, Value Statement

5.  Facilities
    a.  Facilities Timeline and Update
    b.  Resolution on McBryde Roof Replacement
        i.   Motion to Approve Resolution as Presented and Recommend to the Finance Committee
        ii.  BoT Res. # FY2324-0036: McBryde Roof Replacement
    c.  Resolution on Wofford and Richardson Demolition
         i.  Motion to Approve Resolution as Presented and Recommend to the Finance Committee
        ii.  BoT Res. # FY2324-0037: Wofford-Richardson Demolition
6.  Old Business

7.  New Business

8.  Adjournment


Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees Committee on Finance
Wednesday, June 26, 2024 | 4:15 p.m.
The Stone House | The Farm Athletic Field 
Winthrop University | Rock Hill, South Carolina

1.  Call to Order
2.  Approval of Minutes April 24, 2024

3.  Consent Agenda
    a.  Motion - Chair Request Unanimous Consent to Adopt the Following Resolutions and Recommend to the Board of Trustees
    b.  BoT Res. # FY 2324-0033: Approval of CBE Fees
    c.  BoT Res. # FY2324-0036: McBryde Roof Contract
    d.  BoT Res. # FY2324-0037: Wofford-Richardson Demolition

4.  Finance Update
    a.  Presentation of Administration’s FY24-25 Budget
    b.  Resolution on Student Meal Plans
          i.   Motion – To Adopt the as Presented and Recommend to the Board of Trustees
         ii.   BoT Res. # FY2324-0041: Student Meal Plans
     c.  Resolution on Housing Contract
          i.   Motion to Approve Resolution as Presented and Recommend to the Board of Trustees
         ii.   BoT Res. # FY2324-0038: Student Housing Contract & Rates
     d.  Resolution on FY24-25 Budget
          i.  Motion to Approve Resolution as Presented and Recommend to the Board of Trustees
         ii.  BOT Res. # FY2324-0042: Courtyard at Winthrop Financing
     e.  Resolution on FY24-25 Budget
          i.   Motion – To Adopt as Presented and Recommend to the Board of Trustees
         ii.  BOT Res. # FY2324-0039 Annual Budget

5.  New Business

6.  Old Business

7.  Adjournment


Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees

Thursday, June 27, 2024 | 9:00 a.m.

Gold Room | DiGiorgio Campus Center

Winthrop University | Rock Hill, South Carolina


1.  Call to Order

2.  Invocation

3.  Consent Agenda

4.  New Business

5.  Report of Chairman

6.  Report of the President of Winthrop University

7.  Committee Reports

    a.  Committee on External Affairs and Athletics

    b.  Committee on Strategic Plan and Facilities

    c.  Committee on Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and Enrollment Management

    d.  Committee on Finance

8.  Report of Affiliated Groups

    a.  Report of Faculty Conference

    b.  Report of Staff Conference

    c.  Report of Council of Student Leaders

9.  New Business

     a.    Resolution on Peter Joseph Judge, Ph.D. 
             i.   Motion – To Adopt the as Presented and Recommend to the Board of Trustees
            ii.   BoT Res. # FY2324-0040 - Peter Joseph Judge, Ph.D. 

    b.  Report on Title IX Climate Survey

10.  Old Business

11.  Adjournment