Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees and Committees

Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees
Committee on Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, & Enrollment Management
Wednesday, April 24, 2024 | 11:00 am
Richardson Ballroom B | DiGiorgio Campus Center Winthrop University | Rock Hill, South Carolina
1.  Call to Order  
2.  Approval Minutes from October 11, 2024
3.  Academic Affairs
    a.  Update on Dean Search Process  
    b. Update on MacFeat Lab School 
    c. Academic Portfolio Update 
       i. Motion to Approve Resolution as Presented and Recommend to the Full Board 
      ii. BoT. Res. #FY2324-0024: Changes to Academic Portfolio 
    d. EDUC Course Update 
       i. Motion to Approve Resolution as Presented and Recommend to the Committee on Finance  
       ii. BoT. Res. #FY2324-0028: Related to EDUC Course Fall 
    e. Tenure Process & Review 
        i. Motion to Approve Resolution as Presented and Recommend to the Full Board  
       ii. BoT. Res. #2324-0022: Granting Tenure and Promotion 
4. Enrollment Management
a. In-State Tuition with Institutions of Higher Education
             i.  Motion to Approve Resolution as Presented and Recommend to the Finance Committee
            ii.  BoT. Res. #2324-0023: In-State Tuition Program
b.  Update on Fall Priority Registration
        c.  Update on Fall 2024 Freshman Transfers
        d.  Update on 2024-2025 FAFSA
        e.  Tuition Transparency Initiative with Dr. Reena Lichtenfeld (RNL) 

5. Student Affairs
a. Update on Fraternity Sorority Life 
b. Update on Council of Student Leaders 
6. Old Business
7. New Business
8. Adjournment
Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees 
Committee on External Engagement and Athletics
Wednesday, April 24, 2024 | 1:15 pm
Richardson Ballroom B | DiGiorgio Campus Center
Winthrop University | Rock Hill, South Carolina
1.  Call to Order
2.  Approval of Minutes from October 12, 2023
3.  University Advancement
    a.  FY Fundraising Update
    b.  Day of Giving Results
    c.  Campaign Preparation
4.  Foundation Update
5.  Athletics
    a.  NCAA Update
    b.  External Partnerships
    c.  Review of Ticket Sales / Revenue
    d.  Eagle Club
    e.  Women's Basketball Coach Contract
        i. Motion to Approved Resolution as Presented Recommend to the Committee on Finance
       ii. BoT. Res. # FY2324-0027: Women's Basketball Coach Contract
6.  University Communications and Marketing
7.  Old Business
8.  New Business
9.  Adjournment
Meeting of the University Board of Trustees
Commmittee on Strategic Planning and Facilities
April 24, 2024 | 2:45 pm
Richardson Ballroom B | DiGiorgio Campus Center
Winthrop University | Rock Hill, South Carolina
1.  Call to Order
2.  Approval of Minutes from October 12, 2023
3.  Old Business
    a.  Strategic Plan 
           i. Motion to Approve Resolution as Presented and Recommend to the Board of Trustees
          ii. BoT. Res. #FY2324-0020: Winthrop University Strategic Plan
    b.  Update on Student Housing overflow for Fall 2024
    c.  Master Plan Implementation Update
           i.  Project Update on Sims-Dalton Renovation
          ii.  Site Location for New Cafeteria
         iii.  SW Gateway  Design & Funding Options
         iv.  Alumni-Camden Roadway Realignment Study
          v.  Campus Beautification Phase III
4.  New Business
    a.  CPIP (State 5 year project submittal, Due June 14, 2024)
    b.  Update and Timeline for Gordian Sightlines Facilities Study
    c.  Contract Approval for Wofford & Richardson demolition
         i. Motion to Approve Resolution as Presented and Recommend to the Committee on Finance
        ii. BoT. Res. FY2324-0025: Award for Demolition
    d.  Lee Wicker & Phelps Roof Project Funding*
         i. Motion to Approve Resolution as Presented and Recommend to the Board of Trustees
        ii. BoT. Res. #FY2324-0026: Lee Wicker & Phelps Roof Projects
    e.  Project Update
5.  Adjournment
Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees
Committee on Finance
Wednesday, April 24, 2024 | 4:15 p.m.
Richardson Ballroom B | DiGiorgio Campus Center
Winthrop University | Rock Hill, South Carolina
1.  Call to Order
2.  Approval of Minutes August 17, 2023, & October 11, 2023
3.  Consent Agenda
    a.  Motion - Chair Request Unanimous Consent to Adopt the Following Resolutions and Recommend to the Board of Trustees:
    b.  BoT Res. # FY 2324-0028: Related to EDUC Course Fall
    c.  BoT Res. # FY2324-0023: In-State Tuition Program
    d.  BoT Res. # FY2324-0027: Women’s Basketball Coach Contract
    e.  BoT Res. # FY2324-0025: Award Contract for Demolition
    f.  BoT Res. # FY2324-0026: Lee Wicker & Phelps Roof Projects
4.  Financial Update
    a.   Student Health Fees Resolution
           i.  Motion to Adopt the Resolution and Recommend to the Full Board
          ii.  BoT. Res. #FY2324-0030: Student Health Fees
     b.  Student Housing Fees Resolution
           i.  Motion to Adopt the Resolution and Recommend to the Full Board
          ii.  BoT. Res. #2324-0031: Student Housing Fees  

5.  New Business
6.  Old Business
7.  Adjournment
Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees 
Thursday, April 25, 2024 | 9:00 a.m.
Gold Room | DiGiorgio Campus Center 
Winthrop University | Rock Hill, South Carolina 
1. Call to Order

2. Consent Agenda
   a. Approval of Minutes 
   b. Resolutions
3. Report from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees 
4. Report from the President of Winthrop University
5. Report from Affiliated Groups  
   a. Report from Faculty Conference
   b. Report from Staff Conference
   c. Report from Council of Student Leaders
6. Old Business
   a. Update on Study on Effective Use of S/U Option  
7. New Business
8. Executive Session—pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. §30-4-70(a)(1) and (2) for the purposes of discussion employment matters involving certain present university
    employees and contractual items related to Winthrop University
9. Adjournment