Minutes of the Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees
April 16, 1999

Members Present:  E. Thomas Crowson, Sanita Savage Frazier, Robert Gahagan, Anne K. Hall, Watts Huckabee, Mary Anne Lake, Mary Jean Ligon, Jane Shuler, Bob Thompson, Skip Tuttle, David White, Anthony DiGiorgio.

Members Absent:  None.

Representatives:  Tom Moore, Chair of Faculty Conference; Trevor Beauford, President of the Student Government Association

The Board of Trustees met on Friday, April 16, 1999, in the Dunlap-Roddey Room, Johnson Hall, on the Winthrop campus.  David White, Chair of the Board called the meeting to order at 1:00pm.

Approval of Board Minutes of February 5, 1999:  Mr. White called for a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes; Mr. Bob Thompson moved, seconded by Ms. Jane Shuler, to adopt the minutes as presented.  The minutes were approved unanimously.

Resolution to Honor Douglas Rucker for Meritorious Service on the Winthrop University Board of Trustees:  Mr. Huckabee offered the resolution in the form of a motion from the committee and it passed unanimously.  The entire Board commended Dr. Rucker on his dedicated service to Winthrop University for over eight years.

Resolution to Honor Yancey Trevor Beauford as Student Representative to the Winthrop University Board of Trustees:  Mr. Gahagan offered the resolution in the form of a motion from the committee and it passed unanimously.  The Board thanked Trevor Beauford for his representation of the student body over the last year.

Report of the Executive Committee
A.  Resolution to Recommend to the Board of Trustees the Adoption of the Winthrop University Strategic Plan
Dr. Wilson presented a brief overview of the process to develop the strategic plan, noting that drafts of the plan were widely circulated and the final plan was endorsed unanimously by the Faculty Conference.  Dr. DiGiorgio commented that the planning process served several strategic initiatives, including performance funding, the Distinctive Directive initiative, and the SACS self-study.  Mr. Beauford asked that the Student Government Association be formally included in future communications to update the plan.

Mr. White offered the resolution in the form of a motion from the committee and it passed unanimously.

In other Executive Committee updates, Dr. DiGiorgio presented an update on the state performance funding process, as well as the status of capital projects under consideration by the General Assembly.  Dr. Moore gave a brief report on the Distinctive Directions initiative, announcing that Dr. Morrill (of the University of Richmond, VA) will facilitate several discussions to move the initiative forward, in May and in August.  Mr. White presented the Executive Committee's decision to ask Trustees who are willing to assist in contacting admitted students.

B.  Resolution to Commend the Men's Basketball Team on Achieving its First-Ever NCAA Tournament Bid
Mr. White offered the resolution in the form of a motion from the committee and it passed unanimously; the Board commended the men's basketball team for its successful season and its appearance in the NCAA finals.

Report of the Finance Committee
A.  Resolution regarding the General Records Retention Schedule for State Colleges and Universities
Dr. Tuttle reported that Winthrop needs to update its policy on retention of records to be current with the practices recommended by the State of South Carolina.  Dr. Tuttle presented the resolution and it was adopted unanimously.

B.  Resolution to Increase the Amount of Authorized State Institution Bonds for the Life Science Complex
Dr. Tuttle reviewed the funding for the Life Science Complex, summarizing the history of bond indebtedness and state capital funding.  The resolution requests an additional $250,000 to cover the shortfall in funding for the project.  Mr. Tuttle presented the resolution in the form of a motion from the committee and it passed unanimously.

In other updates from the Finance Committee, Dr. Tuttle reviewed the change in the minimum
scholarship requirements for out-of-state scholarships from $50 to $250, as outlined in the guidelines from the Commission on Higher Education, to take effect in the fall of 2000.  Dr. Tuttle also reviewed the MRR (Mission Resource Requirements) and allocation methodology as part of performance funding.  He summarized that each institution will set aside 2% from their budget into a pool of funds and allocate new monies contingent on performance funding scores.  Additional information should be received prior to the June Board meeting.

Dr. Tuttle reviewed progress on the following projects:  The Life Science Building is expected to be occupied by the end of the summer session; the information technology initiatives have been enhanced campus-wide for both faculty and students; Winthrop has again been ranked the first institution in the state for both energy conservation and recycling; campus streets have not been repaved since 1974, so a plan from the Physical Plant is being devised for allocation of funds for repaving.

Report of the Academic Affairs Committee
Mr. Thompson reviewed the following projects: Interviews are scheduled for the three finalists for the Dean of Library Sciences; the search committee for the Dean of the College of Education position are meeting for reviews. The Faculty Manual will be available for the Board's review at the June meeting.  The accreditation site visits for both Social Work and Nutrition were successful; the College of Business is preparing for the accreditation site visit next year.  The Honors program now includes 240 students; an updated curriculum is expected for the fall of 2000.  Competitive certification programs are currently being developed to meet market demand in selected areas.

Report of the University Relations Committee 
Mr. Gahagan reviewed the following projects:  The graduation rate for athletes is 58%, compared to 53% of the total student body, and has risen steadily.  The CHAMPS Life Skills Program, a national program for the total development of student athletes sponsored by the NCAA,  is being implemented at Winthrop. The Eagle Club Auction will be on May 1st and the monies will be used for scholarships.  The Lasting Achievements capital campaign has reached $14.5 million, with a goal of $26million by 2002.  The laundry facility has new equipment — it currently generates revenues of approximately $40,000 a year, but with the improvements, $52,000 in revenue is expected.  The contract for the  bookstore is being developed as a "request for proposals" for bid.  The fall admissions report was very positive, with an increase in applications of about 13%.

Reports from the Representatives to the Board

A.   Report from the Chair of Faculty Conference
Dr. Tom Moore reported that he has seen an increase  in communication between the faculty and the Board and administration, and that he is confident of continued cooperation.  He expressed reservations that an attitude of compliance weighed more than commitment in the faculty's participation in such initiatives as the development of the strategic plan and the SACS self-study.

B.   Report from the President of the Student Government Association
Mr. Trevor Beauford stressed to the Board his perspective that the students should be the center of the Board's efforts.

Report from the President
Dr. DiGiorgio introduced two new department chairs:  Deborah Boyd from the English Department and Gary Brooks from the Department of Mathematics.  He announced that the spring 1999 commencement speaker will be alumna Cecily Truitt, and an honorary doctorate will be awarded to Mary Sue McElveen for her distinguished service to Winthrop University and to higher education in general.  The president also announced that the Dinkins Student Union program board won the national top award from both the National Association for Campus Activities and the Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities.  Additionally, the Come-See-Me-Festival awarded the "Beyond the Call of Glenn" Award to Winthrop for the University's support and enthusiasm.

Old Business:  There was no old business.

New Business:  There was no new business.

Executive Session:  Bob Thompson moved and Mary Anne Lake seconded that the Board move into Executive Session to discuss a contractual matter covered under the Freedom of Information Act.

Adjournment:  The Board reconvened in open session and Mr. White announced that no actions had been taken by the Board in Executive Session.  Mr. White adjourned the Board meeting at 3:45pm.