Minutes of Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees February 18, 2000

Members present:  David White (Chair), E. Thomas Crowson, Larry Durham, Bob Gahagan, Sanita Savage Frazier, Anne K. Hall, A. Watts Huckabee, Mary Anne Lake, Mary Jean Ligon, Jane Shuler, Bob Thompson, Skip Tuttle, and Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio).

Members absent:  None.

Representatives present:  Tom Moore, Faculty Conference Chair; Mamie C. Bush, Student Government Association President.

Staff present:  Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board.

Guests present:  Students, faculty, staff, and media representatives.

Call to Order
David White called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.

Approval of Board Minutes of November 5, 1999
Bob Gahagan moved to strike his comment made on page 3 of the proposed Minutes regarding a motion about a football program.  He noted that although he had made the remark, it was in jest and he did not wish for his comment to be reflected seriously in the minutes.  Skip Tuttle seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously by voice vote.  Skip Tuttle moved, seconded by Bob Thompson, to approve the duly amended proposed minutes of the Board meeting of November 5, 1999 as presented.  The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

Report of the Executive Committee
Chairman White reported that the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees met in Rock Hill during the afternoon of February 2, 2000.  The Executive Committee reviewed and discussed several matters but had no action items on its agenda.  As a result, there were no resolutions brought by the Committee to the full Board for its consideration.  Chairman White reported that the highlights of the Committee's meeting included a review of the agendas of each of the Board's committees and plans for the Board retreat and a review of the successful implementation of the Board's resolution authorizing Futuresteps 2000.  He noted that this initiative had allowed the University to make important steps on the issues of salaries and professional development opportunities.  Chairman White commended the hard work and careful thought that had gone into the implementation of the first phase of Futuresteps and stated that the Executive Committee was looking forward to the next stage in the program.

In addition, Chairman White noted that the Executive Committee had reviewed the potential costs of a women's soccer program and the need to address the equity issues established under federal legislation under Title IX, received an update from the President on the status of funding for our capital projects, particularly Peabody, Sims, and the Rutledge roof, and a report on the President's presentation on these items to the Higher Education Subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Subcommittee.  He also reported that the Executive Committee had received updates on a variety of accomplishments such as additional national recognition for the DSU Programming Board and the theatre production of Roses for Roy Lee, updates on enrollment statistics, the implementation of the procurement card purchasing system, and approved sabbatical requests, and had received the regular quarterly reports.

Finally, Chairman White reported, the Executive Committee had an executive session for discussion of personnel and contractual matters.  No action was taken in the executive session.

Report of the Academic Affairs Committee
Bob Thompson reported that the Committee had toured the remodeled Dacus Library and received a presentation on the extensive databases now available to the university community.  He also reported that the Committee had received updates on the master of music in conducting, collaboration on post-tenure review evaluations, and accreditation site visits for the nutrition program and the College of Business Administration.  Bob Thompson also noted that the Committee had received a report on the liberalization of some benchmarks in the Performance Funding process by the CHE Planning and Assessment Committee, as well as the proposal to eliminate institutional benchmarks and replace them with state and national benchmarks.

Bob Thompson reported that the Academic Affairs Committee had briefly discussed the developments in General Education, particularly the present focus on developing defined competencies, as well as the progress of the Institutional Self-Study in preparation for the March 2001 site visit by SACS.  He reminded the Board that Winthrop's goal is 0 recommendations from the "must" statements criteria and he reported that as potential problems were discovered they were being addressed.

Bob Thompson also reported that the Committee had been advised that the Dean searches were proceeding on schedule and that finalist interviews on campus were anticipated in the near future.  He also noted a planned campus-wide mini-summit on graduate student recruitment, and that Trustee Jane Shuler had ably represented Winthrop as a panelist at the recent Women In Higher Education Conference.

Report of the Finance Committee
Approval of Resolution to Increase the Amount of Authorized State Institution Bonds for the Life Sciences Complex
Skip Tuttle reported that the Finance Committee had reviewed the funding and bidding history of the renovations to the Sims Building as part of the Life Sciences Complex.  He noted that the Committee recommended approval of the proposed Resolution, which would replace the $2.5 million bond authorization adopted by the Board in 1999 with a $5 million bond authorization.  He noted that the current bonds authorized for the renovations of Rutledge and Johnston would be paid off by 2001 and 2008 respectively and that the university was in a position to accommodate the proposed new bond without additional budget implications. Skip Tuttle offered the proposed Resolution in the form of a Motion and recommendation from the Finance Committee.  Bob Thompson moved a friendly amendment to reword the fourth "Whereas" clause of the proposed Resolution by replacing the words "short of" with the words "more than".  This Motion was accepted as a friendly amendment.  The proposed Amended Resolution was passed unanimously by voice vote.

Approval of Resolution authorizing Expenditures for a Public Purpose
Skip Tuttle reported that the Finance Committee had reviewed the history of the ambiguity surrounding the use of public funds generated by public institutions.  He noted that this issue had then been brought to the attention of the General Assembly, resulting in legislation authorizing Boards of Trustees to use funds for specific purposes.  The proposed Resolution would simply state Winthrop University's policy for using such funds as enabled by the legislation.  President DiGiorgio noted that a great majority of such funds already go to scholarships. He noted that the Board action would simply clarify Winthrop's ability to use these dollars in the manner originally intended: for scholarships and for recognition or appreciation of achievements by faculty, staff and students.  The proposed Resolution was passed unanimously by voice vote.

Skip Tuttle reported that the Committee had received reports regarding Information Technology initiatives and the need to continue planning and upgrading in this area.  He noted that Winthrop is being recognized by Friends of Education for creating an on-line application system for any teaching position in any district of South Carolina.  President DiGiorgio noted that James Hammond and Charlie Maner had taken on this project and completed it in a sterling fashion.  Skip Tuttle also reported that on-line registration is scheduled for implementation for the Fall 2000 semester.

In addition, Skip Tuttle noted that the Committee had received a report on Worker's Compensation showing that hours lost to on-the-job injuries were down 60% this year.

Approval of sale of property to City of Rock Hill
Skip Tuttle reported that the Committee received a report of the State Budget and Control Board's (BCB) approval of the sale of approximately .04 acres to the City of Rock Hill.  The purpose of the transaction is to allow the City to create a right-hand turn lane from Charlotte Road onto Cherry Road, where the Bookworm is located.  Skip Tuttle noted that no parking spaces would be lost in front of the Bookworm and that access may even be improved by relieving the traffic congestion.  He also noted that the property had been appraised by an outside appraiser and that the BCB had approved the sale for the amount of $23,600.00.  Skip Tuttle stated that although the BCB had approved the transaction already, he felt it would be appropriate for the Board of Trustees to formally record its recommendation for the sale of real property.  Skip Tuttle moved, seconded by Bob Thompson, that the Board of Trustees recommend the sale of approximately .04 acres of the University's property at 700 Cherry Road to the City of Rock Hill for the sum of $23,600.00.  The Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.

Report of the University Relations Committee
Bob Gahagan reported that the Committee had received a presentation by one of the new Close Scholars.  He noted that the whole Board should have an opportunity to hear the presentation and that they would be very proud of the program and how it is being administered and received in the community.  Bob Gahagan further reported that the Committee had been introduced to the new Registrar, Tim Drueke, received an update on the university's retention initiative, Project REACH, and received a report regarding graduation rates and grade point averages for student-athletes, which compare very favorably to other institutions in NCAA Division I.

He also reported that a new computer lab was in place at the Coliseum, that new study hall guidelines had been implemented, and that the Committee had received a report on Winthrop's web site, which was widely commended.  President DiGiorgio noted that a draft web policy was currently being circulated through the campus community for input on how to best guide future development for institutional presentation as well as individual expression. Finally, Bob Gahagan noted that the Committee was advised that the Capital Campaign has raised $19.3 million with two years still to go.

Approval of Resolution on Policy for Named Gift Opportunities
Bob Gahagan reported that the proposed Resolution would have the effect of amending the existing policy adopted by the Board in 1993, which occurred before the planning of the Capital Campaign.  He noted that the existing policy, which calls for a 50% contribution of the cost of a project in order to secure a naming opportunity, had proved impractical during the Campaign and inconsistent with policies of other institutions. Bob Gahagan offered the proposed Resolution in the form of a Motion and recommendation from the University Relations Committee and it passed unanimously by voice vote.

Report from the Chair of Faculty Conference
Tom Moore reported that the draft web policy had generated some discussion on campus and was seen as an opportunity to move towards a values-centered and market-wise approach.  He noted that he was looking forward to the opportunity to discuss General Education in detail at the retreat and that he was grateful for the Board's additional bonding authority for the renovation of Sims.

Report from the Student Government Association President
Mamie Bush reported that the Martin Luther King celebrations had been very successful, were well attended, and were a step in the right direction for Winthrop University and South Carolina.  She noted that SGA elections would take place in late March.  She also reported that the SGA was considering a statement on the Flag issue and would pass it on at the appropriate time.

Mamie Bush advised the Board of the SGA's interest in philanthropic activities for the university and their exploration of possible projects such as repainting a building as a way of giving back to Winthrop.  She also noted that SGA would be hosting a conference for state student government leaders in late March and is a sponsor of the Alternative Spring Break program, which will be devoted to helping on building projects for disadvantaged people.

Report from the President
President DiGiorgio reported on the significant recent increase in funding for Summer Research Council grants and the creation of two new categories: student involvement and curriculum enhancement.  He noted that this was the result of synergy across the institution and the pool of funds available from the Academic Incentives Act, which provides money based on the amount of private fundraising conducted by the university.  He commended the work of Becky McMillan and University Advancement in realizing these additional dollars.

President DiGiorgio also reported on the writing of a grant to have Winthrop University designated as a Center for Excellence in Early Childhood Education, the upcoming Big South Tournament for men's and women's basketball in Asheville, and the bid submitted by Winthrop and the Rock Hill Sports Council to host a future tournament.  President DiGiorgio also advised the Board that Winthrop had received the highest rating among all state four-year higher education institutions from the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission for reaching Equal Employment Opportunity goals.

Chairman White noted that the Executive Committee and the President had met with Governor Hodges in Columbia at the invitation of the Governor.  The purpose of the meeting was for the Governor to present his proposal for a lottery and how lottery funds might be spent.  This meeting was one of a series requested by the Governor with higher education trustees across the state.  The Governor did not seek any commitment from, or ask for collective support by, the Executive Committee.  The Executive Committee took no action at this meeting.

Old Business
There was no Old Business.

New Business
There was no New Business.

Bob Thompson moved that the Board adjourn.  The Motion was seconded by Bob Gahagan and approved unanimously by voice vote.  Chairman White declared the Board adjourned at 2:40 p.m.