Minutes of the Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees April 12, 2000

Members present:  David White (Chair), E. Thomas Crowson, Larry Durham, Bob Gahagan, Sanita Savage Frazier, Anne K. Hall, A. Watts Huckabee, Mary Anne Lake, Bob Thompson, and Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio).

Members absent:  Mary Jean Martin, Jane Shuler, and Skip Tuttle.

Representatives present:  Tom Moore, Faculty Conference Chair; Mamie C. Bush, Student Government Association President.

Staff present:  Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board.

Guests present:  Students, faculty, staff, and media representatives.

Call to Order
David White called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.

Recognition of Melanie Masson
Chairman White and President DiGiorgio introduced student Melanie Masson, who won one of four grand prizes in an international photography contest sponsored by Chrysler Financial.  Ms. Masson and her instructor, Professor Phil Moody, will be flown to Chrysler Financial headquarters in Michigan to receive the award.  Ms. Masson thanked the Board for its recognition of her achievement and displayed the award-winning photograph.

Approval of Board Minutes of February 18, 2000
Bob Thompson moved to approve the Minutes as presented.  Sanita Savage Frazier seconded the motion, which passed unanimously by voice vote.

Report of the Executive Committee
Chairman White reported that the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees met in Rock Hill during the afternoon of March 22, 2000.  He stated that the Executive Committee reviewed and discussed several matters and took action on two naming opportunities, which the Committee brought to the Board for its consideration in the form of resolutions.

Resolution for Naming Opportunity for Lois Rhame West
The Executive Committee moved the adoption by the Board of this initiative, which names the planned renovated and expanded physical education, recreation, and wellness facilities in honor of this most distinguished alumna.  Chairman White noted that the Peabody Gymnasium retains its name; the proposed resolution would name the complex of which Peabody Gym will remain an integral part.  The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote.

Resolution for Naming Opportunity for Richard W. Riley
The Executive Committee moved the adoption by the Board of this initiative, which names the College of Education in honor of the noted South Carolina educator and statesman.  Chairman White noted that the College's programs would continue to be housed in the Withers/W.T.S. Building.  The motion was approved by voice vote with one dissenting vote cast by Professor Tom Crowson.

President DiGiorgio announced that Patricia Graham had been selected as the new Dean of the Richard W. Riley College of Education through a national search.  He also noted that a series of events would take place on May 5 to celebrate the naming of the College.

Chairman White noted that other highlights of the Committee's meeting included a review of likely changes in benchmarks and performance scales used by the CHE in evaluating data for the Performance Funding process; a review of the estimated construction schedule for the first phase of the new Baseball Stadium; an update from the President on the status of funding for our capital projects, particularly Peabody, Sims, and the Rutledge roof and a report on how these items fared coming out of the Higher Education Subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Subcommittee.  

Chairman White noted that the President also reported on the status of projects under the State's Capital Reserve Fund.  The Committee also received an update from the President on the Lottery issue and how it is likely to be presented by the Governor in the fall election season; a report from the President on the Abstract prepared regarding the proposed Center of Excellence in Early Childhood Professional Development; and an update on the development this summer of pilot courses for a new General Education curriculum.  The Executive Committee also received the regular quarterly reports. Chairman White also reported that the Executive Committee had an executive session for discussion of personnel and contractual matters and that no action was taken in the executive session.

Finally, Chairman White noted that he had received numerous letters from alumni of Winthrop and the W.T.S. regarding the possible relocation of Dacus Library.  He stated that a response was being prepared and that he appreciated that so many people had taken the time to share their views.

Appointment of Committee on Nominations
Pursuant to Article III, Section B of the Bylaws of the Board of Trustees, Chairman White appointed Bob Thompson, Anne Kay Hall and Watts Huckabee to serve as the Committee on Nominations.  The Board expressed its consent to these appointments.

Report of the Academic Affairs Committee
Resolution to Offer Master of Science in Software Engineering
Bob Thompson offered the Resolution in the form of a Motion from the Academic Affairs Committee and it passed unanimously by voice vote.

Bob Thompson reported that the Academic Affairs Committee had received a presentation by Professor Darrell Parker on web-based distance learning activities in the College of Business Administration and a report regarding an on-line biology course being offered using WebCT technology.  He also noted that the Committee received an update on General Education stating that faculty members will be working on developing pilot courses to be offered in the spring of 2001, as well as developing specific expectations regarding competencies.

Bob Thompson also reported that the Committee had been updated on the progress of the SACS self-study process including surveys being taken and draft reports being reviewed.  He noted that the Committee received a report on environmental science curriculum proposals, an update on retention efforts, and confirmation of the reaccreditation of the College of Business Administration by the AACSB.

Report of the Finance Committee
Mary Anne Lake had presided over the meeting of the Finance Committee due to the absence of Skip Tuttle and she presented the report of the Committee.  She noted that the Allocation Status Report projected a positive fund balance.  She also reported that the Committee had reviewed the CHE funding formula and received an update on the progress of the contractor bidding process for renovations to the Sims Building.  Mary Anne Lake stated that the Committee had heard a presentation on plans for additional projects related to Information Technology including the Library's technology classroom.  She also noted that the Committee received information regarding York County funds for campus paving projects and a presentation updating the status of the university's various forms of insurance coverage.

Report of the University Relations Committee
Bob Gahagan reported that the Committee had been introduced to Jason Capel, the new Director of Athletic Marketing and Game Management.  He noted that Rock Hill's bid to host the Big South Conference Men's Basketball Tournament had lost out to the bid from Roanoke, Virginia and that the Conference was discussing adding an additional member institution.

Bob Gahagan also reported that the Committee had reviewed the progress of Alumni Reunion Weekend and received an update on the Capital Campaign indicating that $19.8 million had been raised to date.  The Committee also received a briefing on the State of South Carolina's bid for Emergency Accident and Illness Insurance for all enrolled students, which would cost the university $1 per student to provide coverage of up to $500 in coverage.  Bob Gahagan also noted the reports received by the Committee on activities by the participants in the Close Scholars Program, the implementation of the Alternative Spring Break Initiative, and the establishment of the new Service Learning Council.  He stated that over 60% of Winthrop's students participate in a form of community service.

Bob Gahagan reported on the update on Fall 2000 admissions received by the Committee, noting that it is anticipated that these admissions will result in a class of approximately the same size as fall 1999's entering cohort.  Finally, he noted, the Committee had taken a tour of the new Java City facility.

Report from the Chair of Faculty Conference
Tom Moore noted that the university is in better physical condition than in prior years.  He stated that there were discussions within departments and amongst department chairs regarding perceived needs and how these are ultimately addressed in the budget process.  He also noted a perception of little connection between Program Improvement Plans and the eventual resulting budgets and that there continue to be issues regarding equipment costs and additional faculty hires.  He reported that the Graduate Studies Retreat had produced a clearer picture of the differences in the character and nature of different masters-level programs.

Report from the Student Government Association President
Mamie Bush reported that the Student Government Association debates and elections were pending and that she would soon be passing the gavel to her successor.  She reported that a recent meeting of student leaders had led to a great deal of discussion regarding strategic planning from a student perspective.  She also reported that the student leaders strongly encouraged additional funding and staffing to enhance the Student Life programs at Winthrop.

Report from the President
President DiGiorgio thanked Acting Dean Wilhelmenia Rembert for her leadership of the College of Education during the past year, noting that she kept the College moving forward, not merely afloat.

President DiGiorgio reported that he had hosted a very positive dinner meeting with Student Government leaders and presented them with commemorative "SGA" pins.  He also reported on the constructive dialogue and progress made regarding development of a thorough Web Policy, anticipated to be completed around the end of the semester.

President DiGiorgio updated the Board on the status of the Legislative Budget process and the progress on having the tuition proviso granted permanent status.  He also updated the Board on the progress of the Traffic and Vehicular Safety Committee as it examines parking enforcement, the need for an additional lot to compensate for spaces lost during the Sims renovation, and other issues.  He noted that it was likely that the Committee would recommend an increase in permit fees and parking fines.

President DiGiorgio reported that there had been follow up on an earlier suggestion from a trustee regarding a potential partnership for the future development of both Dacus Library and the York County Library.  He noted that the heads of each library had explored the possibility and found that it was not a feasible alternative given their individual libraries needs and timetables.

Old Business
There was no Old Business.

New Business
There was no New Business.

Executive Session
Mary Anne Lake moved that the Board go into Executive Session for discussion of personnel and contractual matters.  Bob Thompson seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously by voice vote.  Following a ten-minute recess, the Board reconvened in Executive Session. No actions were taken in Executive Session.

Upon returning to public session, Bob Thompson moved that the Board adjourn.  The Motion was seconded by Bob Gahagan and approved unanimously by voice vote.  The Board adjourned at 3:45 p.m.