December 15, 2001
The Shack
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC

Minutes of Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Members present: Skip Tuttle (Chair), E. Thomas Crowson, Sanita Savage Frazier, Bob Gahagan, A. Watts Huckabee, Mary Jean Martin Glenda Owens, Jane Shuler, Bob Thompson, David White, and Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio).

Members absent: Larry Durham and Anne Kay Hall.

Representatives present: Jim Johnston, Faculty Representative.

Staff present: Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board.

Guests present: Staff, and media representatives.

The Board of Trustees met on Saturday, December 15, 2001 at 9:00 a.m. in The Shack on the campus of Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC pursuant to the call of the Chair.


Call to Order

Skip Tuttle called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.


Approval of Board Minutes of November 2, 2001

There were no revisions suggested so the Board unanimously approved the draft minutes as presented.


Resolution to Revise Student Fees for Spring Semester 2002

President DiGiorgio reviewed the recent history of state funding and budget cuts and the Board's responses as the basis for his recommendation for a tuition adjustment. He also noted the Board's desire to have the pain of budget cuts shared across the campus community and not place the burden solely on students and their families. He reported that the recommended tuition adjustment of $100 would cover approximately one-half of the budget shortfall caused by state budget rescissions, which will reduce the state's portion of the education and general budget from approximately 33% to a percentage in the high twenties. President DiGiorgio also noted that traditionally the board had not made adjustments to tuition rates in the middle of an academic year but that his recommendation was based on ensuring that the quality of the University would not be eroded and that all of the money from the tuition adjustment would go into the education and general budget. He noted that it was possible that the Board would have to review tuition each semester during uncertain economic times. The President also reviewed the logistics of how students would be notified of the new tuition rate.

Bob Thompson moved, seconded by Mary Jean Martin, that the Board adopt the Resolution as presented. This motion was approved unanimously by voice vote.


Resolution to Endorse Proposed Statutory Amendments to the Composition and Election of the Board of Trustees of Winthrop University

Chairman Tuttle reviewed the recent workshop held between trustees and members of the local legislative delegation. He noted the discussion at that session that recommended a restructuring of the Board to ensure greater geographic diversity on the Board and provide a better opportunity for the Board to reflect the University's statewide mission. Chairman Tuttle stated that the proposal circulated to the Board was an excellent way to address this issue and he reported that in consultations with local legislators the draft proposal had received favorable responses.

President DiGiorgio reviewed the changes to the structure of the Board outlined in the proposal and noted that, if it received Board approval, the materials would be forwarded to the legislative representatives for introduction early in the session of the General Assembly. There was discussion on the issues of term limits for trustees and the need to actively promote and foster opportunities for minority representation on the Board.

Bob Gahagan moved, seconded by Mary Jean Martin, that the Board adopt the Resolution as presented. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote.



President DiGiorgio announced that the University would host the Governors of North Carolina and South Carolina for a Security Summit on December 17. He also reported that the Winthrop University Real Estate Foundation had closed on the property donated by Springs Industries that will be used for development of new student housing. He also noted that the Rock Hill City Council had accepted the Planning Commission's recommendation to rezone all Winthrop property in the new Office and Institutional zoning category and that final reading on this issue is expected on January 7, 2002.



Bob Thompson moved that the Board adjourn. The Motion was seconded by Bob Gahagan and approved unanimously by voice vote.


Minutes submitted by Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board