April 12, 2002
Dunlap-Roddey Room, Johnson Hall
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC

Minutes of Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Members present: Skip Tuttle (Chair), Larry Durham, Bob Gahagan, Anne K. Hall, Mary Jean Martin, Glenda Owens, Bob Thompson, David White, and Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio).

Members absent: A. Watts Huckabee, Sanita Savage Frazier, Jane Shuler.

Representatives present: Jim Johnston, Faculty Representative.

Staff present: Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board.

Guests present: Students, faculty, staff, and media representatives.

The Board of Trustees met on Friday, April 12, 2002 at 1:00 p.m. in the Dunlap-Roddey Room of Johnson Hall on the campus of Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.


Call to Order

Skip Tuttle called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. He welcomed newly elected Trustee Karl Folkens and newly elected Faculty Representative to the Board Marilyn Smith and noted that each would assume their respective offices in the summer.


Approval of Board Minutes of February 8-10, 2002

Bob Thompson moved, seconded by Mary Jean Martin, that the Board approve the minutes as presented. This motion was approved unanimously by voice vote.


Resolution in Honor of Dr. Gary Stone, William H. Grier Professor of Business Administration

Skip Tuttle reviewed the criteria for selection of the William H. Grier Professor of Business Administration and announced that Dr. Gary Stone had been designated as the Grier Professor. David White moved and Mary Jean Martin seconded the adoption of this Resolution and it was adopted unanimously by voice vote. Chairman Tuttle read the Resolution and made a presentation to Dr. Stone.


Resolution Approving Cooperative Planning Agreement

Chairman Tuttle reported that the Executive Committee had discussed the initiative of the Rock Hill Economic Development Corporation regarding community planning for the "Textile Corridor" portion of the Rock Hill Old Town involving Winthrop University and other community groups with an interest in the issue. He also noted that the Executive Committee had reviewed a proposed formal Cooperative Planning Agreement outlining the participation of each community group in the planning process and, at the recommendation of President DiGiorgio, the Executive Committee had postponed action on this Resolution. He noted that it was now timely for the item to come before the full Board for consideration. Mary Jean Martin moved and Bob Thompson seconded the adoption of this Resolution and it was adopted unanimously by voice vote.


Nominating Committee

Chairman Tuttle noted that Article III, Section B of the bylaws of the Board requires that the Chair of the Board appoint from among the voting members of the Board the members of a Committee on Nominations, subject to the consent of the Board of Trustees. He reported that the membership of the committee must not exceed three persons and will report to the Board of Trustees at least one month prior to the last quarterly meeting in the state fiscal year of the Board - this year by no later than May 7. Chairman Tuttle stated that he wished to appoint Jane Shuler, Larry Durham, and David White to serve on the Nominating Committee. He asked for and received the consent of the Board to these appointments.


Report of the Executive Committee

Chairman Tuttle reported that the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees met in Rock Hill during the afternoon of March 27, 2002. He stated that the Executive Committee reviewed and discussed several matters but took no action. He reported that Legislation has been passed in the Senate and introduced in the House to restructure the composition of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees that closely follows the proposal endorsed by the Board at its December meeting. Chairman Tuttle stated that President DiGiorgio had reported to the Committee on the progress to date on the Implementation Task Force for the CHE Higher Education Strategic Plan. The President indicated he was very encouraged by the discussion at the initial meeting and the resulting action plans and shared vision statement developed by that group.

Chairman Tuttle also noted that in response to the Resolution on Quality Enhancements passed by the Board at its February Retreat, President DiGiorgio had reported to the Executive Committee that he has charged two groups, the newly commissioned Productivity Task Force and the existing Salary Study Committee, to examine specific elements and data related to these issues. The President reported that both of these groups are making progress and that their recommendations are due in time for consideration by the Executive Committee at its May meeting and the full Board after that.

Chairman Tuttle reported that the President reviewed with the Executive Committee a copy of a letter from the State Auditor outlining the accepted proposals for audits to be conducted at Winthrop University and four other state institutions. The President noted that the costs for conducting Winthrop's audit is significantly less than several of our sister institutions, indicating the auditing firms views of Winthrop's financial operations as well-managed and easy-to review.

Chairman Tuttle also noted that the Executive Committee had an executive session for discussion of personnel and contractual matters and that no action was taken in the executive session.

Chairman Tuttle also reported that Hugh Hadsock had been elected as a Trustee by the General Assembly and would take office in July. Chairman Tuttle also reported that he had received a letter of resignation from Trustee E. Thomas Crowson, effective immediately.


Report of the Academic Affairs Committee

Bob Thompson reported that there had not been a quorum present for the Academic Affairs Committee so he would offer action items on his own motion and seek a second for consideration by the Board.

Resolution to Offer Master of Arts in Arts Administration

Bob Thompson reviewed the program and offered the Resolution in the form of a Motion. It was seconded by Mary Jean Martin was approved unanimously by voice vote.

Resolution to Offer Bachelor of Arts in Economics

Bob Thompson reviewed the program and offered the Resolution in the form of a
Motion. It was seconded by Bob Gahagan was approved unanimously by voice vote.

Resolution to Offer Bachelor of Science in Middle Level Education

Bob Thompson reviewed the program and offered the Resolution in the form of a
Motion. It was seconded by Mary Jean Martin was approved unanimously by voice

Bob Thompson reported that there was discussion at the committee meeting regarding the General Education renewal efforts and a new graduate certificate program in Human Nutrition. He also noted that there was an outstanding presentation from students and faculty in Chemistry, Physics & Geology reflective of the creative and exciting work being done in that area.


Report of the Finance Committee

Mary Jean Martin reported that there was one action item brought forward from the Committee related to issuing bonds for student housing improvements and authorizing the University to reimburse itself for auxiliary funds already expended for these needs.

Resolution to Approve the Issuance of Student Housing Revenue Bonds for Capital Improvements

Mary Jean Martin offered this Resolution as a Motion from the Committee. The Resolution passed unanimously by voice vote.

Mary Jean Martin reported that the Committee had received reports on the progress of the Courtyard residence hall facility, the continued upgrades to technology in accordance with a three-year plan, and the prospect of receiving county funding for re-paving Jasper Street as well as the road around the Winthrop Coliseum.


Report of the University Relations Committee

Bob Gahagan reported that the University Relations Committee had been advised that the Dinkins Student Union had again been recognized as the best student programming organization in the nation, this time by Campus Activities magazine. He also invited Residence Life Director Cindy Cassens to share the plans for work to be done during the summer of 2002 on Wofford and Richardson residence halls as well as Thomson Cafeteria. Bob Gahagan gave special recognition to Cindy Cassens for her dual role as Acting Dean of Students during the 2001-2002 academic year and commended her work. He also reported that Winthrop University had been recognized as the School of the Year for the second consecutive year by the South Carolina Organization for Residential Education.

Bob Gahagan noted that the Committee had received a report on NCAA compliance from a recent site visit indicating very positive remarks and that institutional control is strong. He also noted that Melissa Heinz had been introduced as the new women's soccer coach and reported that there would be a club program next year followed by a full collegiate schedule in 2003-04.

Bob Gahagan also reported that admissions applications continue to increase over the same point in time last year. He noted that the student-athlete cumulative GPA was 2.91 and therefore approximately the same as the overall student GPA. Bob Gahagan also reported that Homecoming 2002 was the largest ever and a very successful event and that the Capital Campaign stood at $22 million and would run until June 2003.


Report from the Chair of Faculty Conference

Faculty Conference Chair Jim Johnston welcomed Marilyn Smith as the newly elected Faculty Conference Chair to compete the remainder of his term when he steps aside to become Chair of the Biology Department. He reported that discussions on General Education had reached a major step as the program had been approved by Academic Council and would come to a special meeting of the Faculty Conference on April 12 with the possibility of further debate and action being taken on April 19 at the final Faculty Conference meeting of the academic year. He noted that the issues still being discussed included the constitutional requirement, staffing, and assessment.

Jim Johnston reported that work was progressing on Quality Enhancement through both the Salary Study Committee and the Productivity Gains group that he had been appointed by the President to chair. He also reported that on-line grading and advising were moving forward very well and that the projected on-line student auditing system would be very beneficial.


Report from the President

President DiGiorgio reported on the upcoming Graduate Commencement event as a hallmark of Winthrop's growth and development as well as an opportunity to afford special recognition to graduate students through the hooding ceremony.

He also reported on his activity with "Higher Education for Higher Purposes", the Task Force for Implementation of the CHE's Strategic Plan. He noted the significant obstacles facing South Carolina if it hopes to catch up with its neighboring states in terms of its percentage of the population with bachelor's degrees. He also noted that the Task Force would be addressing issues including sharing of library resources, funding capital projects through a Super Bond Bill along the lines of North Carolina's approach, and seeking regulatory relief.

President DiGiorgio commended the campus community for its extraordinary efforts during lean financial times resulting in another Performance Funding rating of "Exceeds Standard". He noted that Winthrop University was within 0.07 points of scoring a rating of "Substantially Exceeds", a rating never achieved by any institution in the history of South Carolina's Performance Funding system.


Old Business

There was no Old Business.


New Business

There was no New Business.


Executive Session

Mary Jean Martin moved that the Board go into Executive Session for discussion of personnel and contractual matters. Bob Thompson seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously by voice vote. The Board then convened in Executive Session. No actions were taken in Executive Session.



Upon returning to public session, Mary Jean Martin moved that the Board adjourn. The Motion was seconded by Bob Gahagan and approved unanimously by voice vote.

Minutes submitted by Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board