November 8, 2002
The Shack
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC

Minutes of Meeting of the Board of Trustees


Members present: Bob Gahagan (Chair), Larry Durham, Karl Folkens, Sanita SavageFrazier, Hugh Hadsock, A. Watts Huckabee, Reggie Lloyd, Mary Jean Martin, Polly Ford, Glenda Owens, Bob Thompson, Skip Tuttle and Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio).

Members absent: None.

Representatives present: Marilyn Smith, Faculty Representative; Andrew Markners, Chair, Council of Student Leaders; invited student representative.

Staff present: Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board.

Guests present: Students, faculty, staff, and media representatives.


The Board of Trustees met on Friday, November 8, 2002 in The Shack on the campus of Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.


Call to Order

Bob Gahagan called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m. He welcomed guests of the Board and introduced Dr. Kathryn Holten, Acting Vice President for Advancement.


Approval of Board Minutes of June 6 and June 7, 2002

Larry Durham moved, seconded by Mary Jean Martin that the draft minutes be approved as presented. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.


Report of the Executive Committee

Chairman Gahagan reported that the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees met in Columbia during the afternoon of October 23, 2002. He stated that the Executive Committee reviewed and discussed several matters and took action to approve two Resolutions amending the Board's by-laws regarding the student representative to the Board and designees being ineligible to serve as officers or members of the Executive Committee. Chairman Gahagan noted that these items would be on the Board's February agenda since the by-laws require 30 days notice of proposed amendments.

Chairman Gahagan noted that other highlights of the Committee's meeting included a series of updates from the President on a number if items that would be covered during the course of the meeting. He reported that the Committee held an Executive Session and that no actions were taken in that session.


Report of the Academic Affairs Committee

Bob Thompson reported that Vice President Wilson had reviewed the year's Goals and Objectives as set out in the Vision of Distinction. He noted that among the items discussed on this list were General Education, Intellectual Property, and Commission on Higher Education (CHE) reporting requirements. He also reported that the CHE has approved the Master of Arts in Arts Administration program for next fall, the Bachelor of Arts in Economics for Spring 2004, and the Bachelor of Science in Middle Level Education for Spring 2004.

Bob Thompson reported that the Committee had discussed Performance Funding, new faculty members, and the new state merit scholarship requirements and related retention issues. He noted that Dean Andrew Svedlow had presented a briefing on the College of Visual and Performing Arts followed by a preview of the new art exhibit by Professor Jerry Walden. Chairman Gahagan commended the College of Visual and Performing Arts on the performances at the Medal of Honor in the Arts ceremony.


Report of the Finance Committee

Mary Jean Martin reported that the Finance Committee had received a presentation from the auditors for the past fiscal year indicating a clean, unqualified opinion. She also noted that the Government Accounting Standards Board is dictating major changes in the reporting for fiscal year 2002 related to depreciation of assets. She commended the staff to the Committee for their clear presentation of complex issues.

Resolution to issue State Institutional Bonds for $3.2 million for Athletic and Recreational Facilities

Mary Jean Martin offered the Resolution in the form of a Motion from the Finance Committee. Karl Folkens noted that approving the authority for these bonds did not necessarily approve the expenditure of the funds. The Resolution passed unanimously by voice vote.

Resolution to ratify the Higher Education Revenue Bonds, Series 2002 for
$5,000,000 for Residence Hall Improvements

Mary Jean Martin offered the Resolution in the form of a Motion from the Finance Committee. The Resolution passed unanimously by voice vote.

Mary Jean Martin reported that the Committee had reviewed the allocation status report, discussed possible state rescissions, and reviewed the Goals and Objectives for the Division of Finance and Business. She also noted that the Committee had received an update on Information Technology and on progress made by the Winthrop University Real Estate Foundation on construction of the Courtyard Residence Hall.

Resolution Making Declaration of Intent Pursuant to United States Treasury
Department, Internal Revenue Service, Regulation 1.150-2

Mary Jean Martin offered the Resolution in the form of a Motion from the Finance Committee. The Resolution passed unanimously by voice vote.


Report of the University Relations Committee

Glenda Owens reported that the Committee had received a briefing from the Athletics Director on the graduation rates of student athletes, noting that they surpassed the graduation rates of non-athletes. She noted that the Committee had received a report on the progress in establishing an Athletics Hall of Fame, creating an on-line store for Winthrop athletic merchandise, and hiring a full time academic coordinator.

Glenda Owens also reported that the Committee had received an update on enrollment reflecting an increase in SAT scores and a stable diversity percentage. She noted that there had been a tremendous increase in the number of applications and that the Committee had discussed retention issues related to lottery scholarships.

Resolution to Approve the New Constitution of the Council of Student Leaders

Glenda Owens offered an amended Resolution in the form of a Motion from the University Relations Committee. The two amendments were:

  1. To amend the first whereas clause to read: "Whereas, the former Student Government Association dissolved November 1, 2001"; and
  2. To amend Article III, Section IV.7 of the Constitution of the Council of Student Leader to read: "Coordinates the application process for annual members to the Council including appropriate and advance notification of available positions."

The Resolution as amended passed unanimously by voice vote.

Glenda Owens also reported that the Committee had been briefed on the new student clubs and organizations manual developed by Student Affairs. She also noted that the Committee had received a report from Campus Police regarding new awards for exceptional service.


Report from the Chair of Faculty Conference

Faculty Conference Chair Marilyn Smith reported that progress continued on General Education revisions. She referred members of the Board to a detailed written report that she circulated. She indicated that work General Education continued to be on track for implementation to commence in Fall 2003 with a new catalog to be prepared in Spring 2003 for incoming freshmen. She also noted that work was underway in determining the effect on transfer students.


Report from the Chair of the Council of Student Leaders

Council of Student Leaders Chair Andrew Markners submitted a detailed written report to the Trustees. He also noted that some of the most constructive participants in the Council had been freshmen appointed by the Deans and he expressed appreciation for those appointments. He reported that his involvement through his role as Chair had made him more aware than ever of the genuine concern that faculty and administrators have for students. He encouraged the Board to find ways to help the student body see and be aware of that level of commitment.


Report from the President

President DiGiorgio reported on his discussion with the director of the South Carolina Education Lottery, noting that revenues were on target. He also reported that a letter was being for incoming freshmen and their parents with information about the requirements for maintaining lottery scholarships.

President DiGiorgio reported that in his role as Chair of the Council of Presidents he had extended congratulations to Governor-elect Sanford and had requested a meeting with the new Governor. The President also circulated key excerpts from Governor-elect Sanford's published platform on higher education issues to the Trustees.

President DiGiorgio reviewed preliminary plans for the Board's Annual Retreat in February. He noted that Deno Curris, President of the American Association of State Colleges & Universities, would meet with the Board to discuss national issues facing higher education. The President also discussed likely agenda items including General Education, long term plans for growth and development, and a preliminary report from the President's Task Force on the Nature and Character of the University. The President encouraged Trustees to forward ideas and issues for the Retreat agenda.

President DiGiorgio reviewed the recent successes of the women's volleyball team and the cross-country team. He also reported on the Big South Championship won by the men's soccer team. He noted that Winthrop would be the host for conference championships in baseball, softball, and possibly the early rounds of the men's and women's basketball tournament depending on season conference standings.


Old Business

There was no Old Business.


New Business

There was no New Business.


Executive Session

Bob Thompson moved that the Board go into Executive Session. Sanita Savage Frazier seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously by voice vote. The Board then convened in Executive Session. No actions were taken in Executive Session.


Confirmation of Authority to Purchase Property

Upon returning to public session, Karl Folkens moved that the Board confirm the authority of the President to proceed with the purchase of property at 520 Cherry Road, Rock Hill. The motion was seconded by Watts Huckabee and approved unanimously by voice vote.



Larry Durham moved that the Board adjourn. The Motion was seconded by Bob Thompson and approved unanimously by voice vote. The Board adjourned at 4:10 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board