April 11, 2003
Dunlap-Roddey Room, Johnson Hall
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC

Minutes of Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Members present:  Bob Gahagan (Chair), Karl Folkens, Sanita Savage Frazier, A. Watts Huckabee, Mary Jean Martin, Glenda Owens, Polly Ford, Bob Thompson, Skip Tuttle, and Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio).

Members absent:  Larry Durham, Hugh Hadsock, Reginald Lloyd.

Representatives present:  Marilyn Smith, Faculty Representative; Andrew Markners, Student Representative.

Staff present:  Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board.

Guests present:  Students, faculty, staff, and media representatives.

The Board of Trustees met on Friday, April 11, 2003 at 1:00 p.m. in the Dunlap-Roddey Room of Johnson Hall on the campus of Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.

Call to Order
Bob Gahagan called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. 

Approval of Board Minutes of February 7-9, 2003
Bob Thompson moved, seconded by Karl Folkens, that the Board approve the minutes as presented.  This motion was approved unanimously by voice vote.

Report of the Executive Committee
Chairman Gahagan welcomed Dr. Tom Moore and Dr. Debra Boyd and congratulated them on their recent appointments as Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences respectively. He also welcomed incoming Director of General Education Marilyn Smith.  Bob Gahagan noted that each would assume their respective offices in the summer.  Bob Thompson also noted that Dr. Melford Wilson, outgoing Vice President for Academic Affairs, should be recognized for his yeoman service and that there would be an opportunity to do so at the next Board meeting.  Karl Folkens noted that trustee Reginald Lloyd has been elected as a circuit court judge.

Chairman Gahagan reported that the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees met in Rock Hill during the afternoon of March 26, 2003.  He stated that the Executive Committee reviewed and discussed several matters but took no action.  He noted that the draft minutes of that meeting had already been circulated and referred trustees to those minutes for additional information.

Chairman Gahagan also noted that the Executive Committee had an executive session for discussion of personnel and contractual matters and that no action was taken in the executive session.

Report of the Academic Affairs Committee
Bob Thompson reported that the Committee received an update on the General Education implementation. It is on course and a final presentation is anticipated at the June Board meeting. He noted that this General Education revision is a rare effort for a public university as it pulls together three distinct aspects: interdisciplinary teaching, infusing writing across the curriculum, and developing critical thinking.  He stated that the result is quite distinctive and he extended congratulations to all who were part of the revision process.

Bob Thompson reported that the Committee was briefed on ACAD 101: Principles of the Learning Academy, the emerging new version of the Critical Issues Symposium.  He noted that it would be a requirement for all freshmen and that over 50 sections would be offered. He noted that the program would be a cut above standard "University 101" courses as it would deal with socialization and the academic community.

Bob Thompson noted that Vice President Wilson had reported on searches for both the English and Modern Language Departments' chairs. Bob Thompson noted that academic affairs had hired 19 new faculty with 3 positions to be filled. There have been a large number of retirements and the searches to replace these positions have been quite competitive with high quality candidates seeking out Winthrop University.

Bob Thompson reported that an anticipated report on suggested revisions to the intellectual property policy had been postponed until June.  He also reported that the Committee received an outstanding presentation on the "Teaching Fellows: New Bridges" program.  He noted that those involved were very bright and impressive students working with the Center for Teacher Recruitment.  The program has a high service requirement involving work with public schools and social service agencies that have English as a Second Language focus. He also noted that two new grants had been awarded: $150,000 for work with middle school teachers and $300,000 for Educational Leadership to identify and mentor future principals.

Report of the Finance Committee
Mary Jean Martin reported on the Committee's review of the Allocation Status Report. She noted that it reflected a mid-year cut of 3.7%.   She stated that the Committee had been briefed on budget legislation on funding for next year, noting a cut in excess of $2 million in the House version while the Senate is still working on their version. She noted it is still possible that the legislature will place a cap on tuition, and that there are possible reductions in lottery funds.

Mary Jean Martin reported that the Committee had received a report from Information Technology including a review of the annual budget and plans for use of lottery funds.  She noted that the plan calls for faculty to receive new computers every 3 years on rotation with faculty with the oldest computers or greatest need for new technology to receive new computers first.

Report of the University Relations Committee
Glenda Owens reported that the University Relations Committee received a briefing from the Advancement division.  Among the highlights of the briefing were a redesign of the web page that is nearing completion, a summary of Homecoming 2003 events, and then status of the Capital Campaign, which is on target to be completed by June 30.  She noted that the present focus is on the Faculty/Staff with an emphasis on participation rather than the dollars generated.

Glenda Owens and Martie Curran, Executive Director of the Alumni Association, reported on the restructuring of the Alumni Association with its overall goal of keeping alumni connected.  They noted that the plan had been approved by the Alumni Executive Board in February and that the new approach emphasizes a variety of avenues and groups that people feel connected to such as organizations for younger alumni, and class year for older constituents. Glenda Owens and Martie Curran also stated that the plan aims to educate students about the Alumni Association while they are students, so when they become alumni, they will already have an affiliation.   Martie Curran expressed appreciation to Alumni President Frankie Cubbedge and to Maria Hedinger for providing guidelines on what alums do and what staff do.

Glenda Owens reported that the Committee had also received updates from the division of Athletics.  She noted that this past semester the overall G.P.A. was 2.94 for student-athletes and that two students, Jennifer Pritchard of women's volleyball and Donald MacGregor of men's soccer, had received Academic All-American recognitions.  Glenda Owens also noted that construction of the new tennis facility is ongoing with the building almost completed, but the courts themselves need dry weather to make further progress.

Glenda Owens reported that the Committee had been updated on Admissions, noting that the goal is still 1050 freshmen and that we are close to that goal and still getting some applications.  She noted that applications are up 11% from last year at this time, that 125,000 emails have been sent to prospects, and that the Admissions website gets 30,000 to 50,000 hits per month.

Glenda Owens also reported on student publications, noting that the Committee had been briefed on a Task Force established by the President in reference to issues related to publications, including the loss of the yearbook. She noted that the Task Force was a very good group and that it was an appropriate time to review the state of student publications, their funding, the roles of the faculty/staff, and expectations of students in order to ensure top-notch publications.

Glenda Owens reported that the Committee had reviewed current student leadership programs and workshops for students in organizations on topics such as public relations, fundraising, and motivation.

Report from the Faculty Representative
Marilyn Smith reported on the work to date of the General Education implementation team led by Tom Moore, Karen Jones, Debra Boyd, Dave Rankin, Marilyn Smith, and Bill Rogers.   She also noted that she had been serving the remainder of Jim Johnston's term as Faculty Representative during the past year and that she was recently elected as the Faculty Representative for a full 2 year term.

Report from the Student Representative
Andrew Markners introduced Richard Fowler as the designated Chair of the Council of Student Leaders for the 2003-2004 academic year, noting that Richard is a rising sophomore from Dallas, North Carolina and represents the Resident Students Association on the Council.

Andrew Markners also reviewed the Resolution passed by the Council, encouraging the trustees to pursue funding of the Lois Rhame West Center by student fees.  He circulated a copy of the Resolution to the trustees.  Skip Tuttle commended the Council and the student leadership for their unselfish gesture in seeking to contribute to the construction of a facility that would not be built before many of them graduated.

Report from the President
President DiGiorgio congratulated and thanked the Council of Student Leaders for the resolution regarding funding of the West Center.  He noted that many members of the Council had attended the presentation about campus development that drew a good crowd and was well received.

President DiGiorgio also reported on the latest developments in the state budget process.  He stated that the House had passed a budget and that the Senate version would likely not change the House version substantially. The budget calls for an additional 10% cut that would bring the total amount of cuts to $2.1 million or 27% of the state's appropriation to Winthrop over the past couple of years.

He stated that the cuts have begun to hurt but noted that some growth had helped pay for the past rescissions. In planning for the coming year he stated that the campus budget process would need to look first at making the university whole again and then look at what could be funded for future development.  He also reported that the state may take earlier action on the budget than usual since there won't be much room for major disputes, except for the cigarette tax issue which may have ripple effects. He also reiterated that there will be no state funds available for capital construction.

President DiGiorgio also reported on the latest results of the Performance Funding. He noted that one of the goals of the Vision of Distinction for this year was to achieve a rating of "substantially exceeds standards". He announced that the preliminary rating evaluation had been released showing that on a 3 point scale, Winthrop University had scored 2.94 or 98%, thereby earning a "substantially exceeds" rating.  He noted that only the Medical University of South Carolina received such a rating last year and that Winthrop is the first teaching sector institution to receive this rating.  He stated that this was one measure of the degree of progress the University has achieved.  He stated that Winthrop is now poised with the new General Education program and the ongoing discussions about the Nature and Character of the University to decide what next qualitative steps are appropriate on the path to distinction.

Old Business
There was no Old Business.

New Business
Bob Gahagan noted that the next meeting of the Board would include an executive session on Thursday evening, June 5, and possibly a long Friday session on June 6.  He also reported that he wished to appoint a Nominations Committee consisting of Sanita Savage Frazier as Chair, along with Larry Durham and Watts Huckabee.  The Board consented to these appointments.

Executive Session
Mary Jean Martin moved, seconded by Watts Huckabee, that the Board go into executive session for the purpose of discussing personnel and contractual matters.  As part of the motion, the Faculty and Student Representatives, along with Dr. Tom Moore, were invited to participate in the session.  The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote.  No actions were taken in Executive Session.

Upon returning to public session, Mary Jean Martin moved that the Board adjourn.  The Motion was seconded by Watts Huckabee and approved unanimously by voice vote.  The Board adjourned at 3:00 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board.