June 10, 2004
Baruch Room, Joynes Hall
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC


Minutes of Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Members present: Mary Jean Martin (Chair), Larry Durham, Karl Folkens, Bob Gahagan, Glenda Owens, Polly Ford, Bob Thompson, Donna Tinsley, Skip Tuttle, Kathy Bigham, Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio)

Members absent: Sanita Savage.

Representatives present: Marilyn Smith, Faculty Representative and Richard Fowler, Student Representative.

Others present: Leland Cox.

Staff present: Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board


The Board of Trustees met on Thursday, June 10, 2004 at 4:00 p.m. in the Baruch Room of Joynes Hall, Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.


Call to Order

Chair Mary Jean Martin called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.


Executive Session

Bob Thompson moved that the Board go into Executive Session for discussion of personnel matters and that the Faculty and Student Representatives be invited to participate. Bob Gahagan seconded the motion, which was approved unanimously by voice vote. The Board convened in Executive Session. Bob Thompson moved, seconded by Skip Tuttle, that the Board conclude the Executive Session and return to Open Session.


Open Session

Chair Mary Jean Martin announced that the Board had met in Executive Session for the purpose of discussing personnel matters and considering possible personnel action but stated that no action had been taken.



The Board recessed at 5:35 p.m.


Minutes submitted by Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board for 2003-04



June 11, 2004
Baruch Room, Johnson Hall
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC


Minutes of Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Members present: Mary Jean Martin (Chair), Larry Durham, Karl Folkens, Bob Gahagan, Glenda Owens, Polly Ford, Sanita Savage, Bob Thompson, Donna Tinsley, Skip Tuttle, Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio).

Members absent: None

Representatives present: Marilyn Smith, Faculty Representative and Richard Fowler, Student Representative.

Staff present: Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board

Others present: Leland Cox, Karen Bair of The Rock Hill Herald, Nicole Bell of The Charlotte Observer, and faculty and staff of Winthrop University


The Board of Trustees met on Friday, June 11, 2004 at 1:15 p.m. in the Baruch Room of Joynes Hall on the campus of Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.


Call to Order

Chair Martin called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m. She welcomed new trustee Donna Tinsley to fill the unexpired term of former trustee Hugh Hadsock. She also introduced Leland Cox, elected to serve as a trustee starting July 1. Chair Martin also welcomed Karen Bair and Nicole Bell of the local media. Chair Martin then noted several major accomplishments of Winthrop University in the past year including the launch of University College, the report of the President's Task Force on the Nature and Character of the University, the revisions to the General Education program and curriculum, the successful completion of the first Capital Campaign, maintaining 100% accreditation, continued cooperation with the Rock Hill Economic Development Corporation and the Rock Hill School District, and progress on the demolition of Breazeale Hall and construction of the Lois Rhame West Center.


Approval of Board Minutes of April 16, 2004

Bob Thompson moved, seconded by Karl Folkens, that the Board approve the minutes as presented with minor typographical and spelling corrections. This motion was approved unanimously by voice vote.


Approval of Board Minutes of May 13, 2004

Bob Thompson moved, seconded by Larry Durham, that the Board approve the minutes as presented with the correction that Student Representative Rich Fowler was not present for the teleconference. This motion was approved unanimously by voice vote.


Report of the Executive Committee

Chair Martin reported that the Executive Committee had reviewed the President in its Executive Session in May in accordance with the Agency Head Salary Commission's process and the Board bylaws and had discussed their review with the full Board during the Executive Session on June 10.

Resolution Regarding 2003-2004 Performance Evaluation of President Anthony J. DiGiorgio

Chair Martin read the Resolution. Karl Folkens moved, seconded by Glenda Owens, that the Board consider this Resolution since it did not come directly from a standing committee. This motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. Bob Thompson then moved, seconded by Bob Gahagan, that the Board approve this Resolution. It was approved unanimously by voice vote.

Resolution Regarding Contract for President Anthony J. DiGiorgio

Chair Martin read the Resolution. Bob Thompson moved, seconded by Larry Durham, that the Board consider this Resolution since it did not come directly from a standing committee. This motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. Sanita Savage then moved, seconded by Larry Durham, that the Board approve this Resolution. It was approved unanimously by voice vote.

Chair Martin also reported that the Executive Committee had taken action at its May meeting to recommend adoption of a Resolution recognizing the distinguished service of departing Trustee Bob Gahagan.

Resolution Honoring Robert Gahagan for Meritorious Service to Winthrop University.

Chair Martin read the Resolution. She offered this Resolution in the form of a Motion from the Executive Committee. The Resolution passed unanimously by voice vote. Mr. Gahagan was presented with a framed copy of the Resolution and he received a "Standing O" from members of the Board. Mr. Gahagan expressed his appreciation to the Board and to the faculty and staff of the university.

Chair Martin also brought forward for consideration a Resolution recognizing the service of Brien Lewis, departing Secretary to the Board and Executive Assistant to the President.

Resolution Honoring William Brien Lewis for Meritorious Service to Winthrop University.

Chair Martin read the Resolution. Bob Thompson moved, seconded by Larry Durham, that the Board consider this Resolution since it did not come directly from a standing committee. This motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. Bob Thompson then moved, seconded by Larry Durham, that the Board approve this Resolution. It was approved unanimously by voice vote.

Mr. Lewis was presented with a framed copy of the Resolution. He expressed his appreciation to the Board, the President, Colleen Hodgdon, Betty Triplett, and the staff of the Office of the President.


Report of the Academic Affairs Committee

Resolution to Confer Emeritus Faculty Status

Bob Thompson offered this Resolution in the form of a Motion from the Academic Affairs Committee. The Resolution passed unanimously by voice vote.

Bob Thompson reported that the Committee had received a report on implementation of the new General Education program and been assured of the ongoing role of the Vice President for Academic Affairs as part of the course and curriculum approval process. He also reported that the Committee had discussed progress on plans for an interdisciplinary program involving computer science, mass communications, and graphic design.

Bob Thompson reported that the Committee had reviewed the report on undergraduate research and commended the work done in this area. He noted that the College of Business Administration had reported on a new approach in the Finance program that will prepare students for the role of certified financial planner. Bob Thompson cited this as another example of the university responding to meet growing market needs.

Bob Thompson reported that the Committee had received a report from the Richard W. Riley College of Education on the Teaching Fellows' trip to the Dominican Republic. He also noted that the new Counseling cohort is in place and that there continues to be a strong supportive relationship with the Professional Development Schools. Bob Thompson also reported that the Committee had been briefed on the on-campus summer programs for middle and high school students offered by the College of Visual and Performing Arts as well as a trip to France for Winthrop students to study painting. He also noted the growth of the music program to over 200 majors.

Bob Thompson reported that the Committee had received a briefing on the Dacus Library Futures report and requested that any comments on the report be brought to the attention of Dean Mark Herring. He noted the importance of the library to the qualitative growth of the university and the plans for greater use of contemporary technology to support research needs, including development of an on-line portal. He reported that the PASCAL project for a state-wide digital library had finally received an initial funding of $2 million from the General Assembly.


Report of the Finance Committee

Skip Tuttle reported that the Committee had received a briefing from the auditing firm on the upcoming audit. He noted that this was a good reminder of the Board's responsibility for oversight and that the Committee was very confident that the firm would do a thorough and objective analysis. Skip Tuttle also stated that the Committee had been advised that the university would finish in the black for the year and that this was good news that the Board had come to expect from the administration.

Skip Tuttle reported that the Committee had reviewed the Allocation Status Report and had received a briefing on the proposed use of funds from the technology fee as well as lottery funds directed to technology projects. He noted that the latter would be directed to smart classrooms as well as faculty, staff, and administrative technology needs not previously addressed by the funds from the technology fee. Skip Tuttle reminded Board members that the lottery dollars are not dedicated on a recurring basis and decisions about their allocation are made annually by the General Assembly. He also noted that a $3 million project would be needed to be addressed in the near future to replace the university's main computer system that was implemented in 1992 and will not be supported for much longer by its manufacturer.

Resolution regarding the Operating Budget and Student Fees for fiscal year 2004-2005

Skip Tuttle noted that the Budget Workshop held earlier in the day had provided a lot of information and an opportunity for all trustees to engage in a detailed discussion that had been very helpful. Skip Tuttle read the Resolution. The total proposed increase in tuition and fees for on-campus in-state students 13.53% or $581 for required fees and $181 in room and board charges per semester. He then moved, seconded by Sanita Savage, that the Board consider this Resolution since it did not come directly from a standing committee. This motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. There was discussion.

Bob Thompson stated that it is important to maintain both quality and progress and that quality came at a price. He noted the series of reductions in state appropriations and the fact that the university's appropriation had not kept pace with inflation nor the growth in the size of the student body. He stated that people believe that a Winthrop education has a high value. He also noted that the proposed budget had a substantial commitment of university resources to need-based aid for the first time. Skip Tuttle noted that the budget proposal also reflected the reality that the university had had to assume major responsibility for funding of academic facilities. He also noted that the new initiatives contained in the proposed budget were worthy of support from the Board. Glenda Owens stated that the Board had a choice to either move forward or slide backwards. Bob Gahagan noted that he was much more comfortable with the proposed tuition increase since there was a need-based aid component included in the budget proposal.

Skip Tuttle then moved, seconded by Bob Thompson, that the Board approve this Resolution. It was approved unanimously by voice vote.

Skip Tuttle also reported that the Committee had received an update on facilities projects. He noted that lack of availability of steel was a problem on several projects and may cause delays that could be inconvenient in the fall semester.


Report of the University Relations Committee

Glenda Owens reported that the University Relations Committee received a briefing from the Advancement division. She noted that the Alumni Reunion Celebration had been a great success, as had the inaugural ring ceremony. She reported that 96 students had purchased rings. She also noted that the Committee had been introduced to Denise Cubbedge, the new Director of Special Gifts. The Committee also received updates on the progress of website enhancement including the new public art program and the live webcam on the top of Bancroft Hall.

Glenda Owens reported that the Committee received updates from the division of Athletics. She noted that student-athletes' grade point averages were down slightly at 2.91 but were still ahead of the overall average of the student body. She circulated copies of the year end report from the Athletic Department. She also noted dramatic changes forthcoming due to changes in legislation by the NCAA. She reported that the measures are related to the amount an athletic scholarship can provide and permitting student athletes to take summer classes before their freshman year. President DiGiorgio described these changes as escalating the "arms race" of intercollegiate athletics, noting that the changes were supported by the major conferences that enjoy substantial revenues from their athletic programs. Glenda Owens also noted that the Committee had been introduced to Bud Childers, the new Women's Basketball Head Coach.

Glenda Owens reported that the Committee received updates from the division of Student Life. She reported that the Committee had been updated on Admissions, noting that 956 students have currently signed up for Orientation sessions and that the target remained an incoming freshman class of between 1000 and 1050. She noted that Admissions was committed to academic quality first and would not sacrifice that to increase class size. She also noted that Winthrop is the first choice for Teaching Fellows but that only 25 spaces are available. Glenda Owens also noted that the Committee had been introduced to Chad Kee, the new Multicultural Student Life Director. She also reported that Scott Sinclair had made a presentation on the work of the Service Learning Center, including AmeriCorps and the Close Scholars. She noted that Winthrop students had contributed almost 39,000 volunteer hours in the past year. She also noted that many faculty members are incorporating service learning elements into their courses. Glenda Owens also noted that the Committee had received a presentation from Frank Ardaiolo, Vice President of Student Life, on the concept of student engagement and how it is fostered.


Nominating Committee

Glenda Owens reported that the Committee had met and consulted and was bringing forward the following slate of officers for the 2003-2004 Board term in the form of a recommendation: Mary Jean Martin for Chair, Karl Folkens for Vice Chair, and Glenda Owens for Secretary. Bob Thompson moved, seconded by Polly Ford, that the slate presented by the Committee on Nominations be accepted. The motion was passed unanimously by voice vote.


Report from Faculty Representative

Marilyn Smith noted that a faculty committee would be reviewing the Cultural Events program and the assumptions underlying approval of events and petitions for inclusion. She also noted that a process had been put in place for reviewing the General Education curriculum in an on-going way and that that the Rules Committee was reviewing the Faculty Manual. She reported that the Academic Integrity survey of faculty had been completed and that data from it and the parallel survey of students were both being analyzed. She also noted that the Research Council had distributed $125,000 over the past year for faculty research projects.


Report from the Student Representative

Council of Student Leaders (CSL) Chair Rich Fowler reported that there are two positions on the Council for freshmen in the fall as well as positions to be filled based on recommendations from the deans. He reported that he was working on a presentation about the CSL for a national conference where the Council may serve as a model for other universities who are struggling with effective student governance. He also noted that the conference would address issues such as how to work with student allocation processes. He also noted that plans are underway for a fall retreat and that the major goals for CSL for the coming year are to address voter registration, continue work on the campus center design and program, and to follow up on results from the Academic Integrity survey


Report from the President

President DiGiorgio expressed his thanks to the Board for their support and confidence as reflected in the Resolutions regarding his contract and his evaluation. He noted that, just like each incoming freshman at Orientation, trustees had received a copy of the book "Into the Wild" which will be used as the Common Book Project in the fall semester. He also stated his appreciation for the service and counsel of departing trustee Bob Gahagan.

President DiGiorgio noted a number of recognitions that were maintaining and advancing the reputation of Winthrop University including a strong showing in the National Survey of Student Engagement, a first appearance in the Princeton Review, another ranking in the US News Top 10, the Performance Funding rating of "Substantially Exceeds Standards" for a second consecutive year, and being named "Campus Program of the Year" by Campus Activities magazine. He also noted the faculty salary improvements through summer school increases and thanked Vice President Tom Moore and the academic Deans for their work on this initiative.

The President also reported that Athletics had achieved substantial success by placing third overall in the Big South Conference and winning Conference Championships in Volleyball, Men's Tennis and Women's Tennis. He noted that facilities work continued on the projects referenced earlier by Chair Martin as well as the new Track and the Old Stone House. He reported that a major revision to the campus parking plan had been necessitated by the construction projects and that while more parking would be available in Fall 2004 there would also be more remote parking. He also noted that a new campus signage program would be put in place during the summer.

President DiGiorgio then noted that next steps would include six days of Executive Officers retreats to discuss plans to implement the Board's budget decisions, to review the 2003-04 Vision of Distinction item by item, and to finalize the 2004-05 Vision of Distinction item by item. He noted that this document would be brought to the Board for approval at its November meeting.


Old Business

There was no old business.


New Business

There was no old business.


Executive Session

Karl Folkens moved, seconded by Bob Thompson, that the Board move into Executive Session for discussion of legal matters. The motion was passed unanimously by voice vote. The Executive Session was conducted and no actions were taken. Karl Folkens then moved, seconded by Bob Thompson, that the Board go back into Public Session. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.



Bob Gahagan moved, seconded by Larry Durham, that the Board adjourn. The motion was passed unanimously by voice vote and the Board adjourned at 4:00 p.m.


Minutes submitted by Brien Lewis, Secretary to the Board for 2003-04.