June 9, 2006 - 1:00 pm
Baruch Room, Joynes Hall
Winthrop University
Rock Hill, South Carolina

Minutes of Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Members present:              Karl Folkens (Chair), Kathy Bigham, Mary Jean Martin, Janet Smalley, Glenda Owens, Polly Ford, Susan Smith-Rex, Donna Tinsley, Skip Tuttle, Sanita Savage, Larry Durham, Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio).
Members absent:               Leland Cox
Representatives present:    Dustin Evatt, Student Representative; Tim Daugherty, Faculty Representative
Others present:                 Faculty and staff of Winthrop University, Karen Bair

The Board of Trustees met on Thursday, June 8 and Friday, June 9, 2006 on the campus of Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.

Call to Order
Chair Folkens called the meeting to order at 4 p.m. on June 8. Lee Cox made a motion for the Board to move into Executive Session, Donna Tinsley seconded. The Board met in executive session for the purpose of reviewing the recommendations of the Executive Committee on the performance evaluation of President DiGiorgio. Polly Ford moved the Board return to public session. The motion was seconded by Sue Smith Rex. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. At that time, the meeting was recessed with continuation planned for the afternoon of June 9.

As there were no requests made for public comments, the meeting continued on June 9, 2006 at 1:05 p.m.

Approval of Board Minutes of April 7, 2006.
Mary Jean Martin moved, seconded by Glenda Owens, that the Board approve the minutes. This motion was approved unanimously as presented by voice vote.

Report of the Executive Committee and Chair of the Board
Chair Folkens reported that the Executive Committee had met on campus on May 31, 2006. Several matters were reviewed and discussed. The materials from the meeting have been forwarded to each of members of the Board. Most of the issues that were discussed will be or have already been a part of today's agendas.

The Executive Committee asked that the Board consider a number of resolutions for meritorious service:
A. Resolution Honoring Dr. Mary Jean L. Martin for Meritorious Service to Winthrop University
B. Resolution Honoring Dr. Harold P. Tuttle for Meritorious Service to Winthrop University
C. Resolution Honoring Dr. Mary (Polly) W. Ford for Meritorious Service to Winthrop University
D. Resolution Honoring Mr. Willie Lyles, III for Meritorious Service to Winthrop University

All resolutions passed unanimously by voice vote.
The Executive Committee then asked that the Board consider the following resolution pertaining to the performance of President DiGiorgio as set forth in the bylaws:

E. Resolution Concerning the Annual Evaluation of President DiGiorgio
F. Resolution Concerning the Contract of President DiGiorgio
Both resolutions passed unanimously by voice vote.

Finally, the Executive Committee reported having had an executive session for discussion of legal, personnel, and contractual matters. No action was taken in the executive session.

Report of the Academic Affairs Committee
Committee member Janet Smalley reported on the meeting of the academic affairs committee in the absence of Chair, Leland Cox.

The first order of business was the Resolution for emeritus faculty status. The Resolution passed unanimously granting Emeritus Faculty status to the following: Eugene M. Barban, Robert H. Breakfield, Houston A. Craighead, John E. Dille, Melvin A. Goldstein, Jerry L. Helton, W. Martin Hope, Betty Lou Land, Louis J. Rosso, Everett Stallings, Sarah F. Stallings, C. Jack Tucker, Alfred D. Ward, Edna C. Ward, and Melford A. Wilson, Jr.

A second resolution was presented: A Resolution to Offer a Bachelor of Science Degree in Information Design. The motion was unanimously approved. Due to the large number of programs up for CHE approval, the initial timeframe for presentation to ACAP is delayed. The program will be up for ACAP approval at its fall 2006 meeting.

The first Robert and Norma Thompson Scholar has been chosen. Phil Moody, a photographer in the department of art and design, whose project will features work with schools in the I-95 Corridor of Shame.

The review of Graduate Studies is continuing. A committee is currently reviewing all processes, phases and programs in Graduate Studies. We look forward to their report.

The committee next heard the academic unit updates from the Deans.

Dean Debra Boyd discussed the Undergraduate Scholarship Book of Abstracts for 2006 which presents student and faculty research work. She reported a high level of participation and commended Dwight Dimaculangan, director of the undergraduate research initiative in the College, for his work. She also reviewed the emphasis on deep learning as well as the annual reviews of faculty.

Dean Weikle discussed the relationship with the Office of the Controller of the Currency in Washington, DC which gives five southern district internships. For the second summer, we were awarded three of the five, and all three from last year were hired in permanent positions. Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) continues to be active on campus with 400 students, 8 faculty members, 22 companies and 1000 client contacts involved this past year. Winthrop's 6-member team won the division and four individual awards at the regional competition in Charlotte in April before going on to win in their division in Kansas City and to receive a 2nd place Financial Project award for their deployment guide.

Dean Patricia Graham noted that the Outstanding Jr. Professor Award was given to Dr. Barbara Blackburn this year. Dean Graham also reported on the new faculty mentoring program. Created last year for the nine new faculty in the College of Education, this mentoring program assigns each to work with a faculty member in either scholarship, service or both. Dean Graham reported that all nine people have been retained for the coming year.

The "Corridor of Shame" Area Grant Project is well under way with the distribution of new laptop computers to be issued to teachers in the program and two courses beginning this summer for which our faculty will travel to Bennetsville High School

Dean Mark Herring reported that a major achievement has been development of a new web page with the help of student groups, faculty and outside groups. Expected to be available in August, the new design will provide more information and allow users to search more easily and successfully. PASCAL funding is has been passed by the Senate and if vetoed by the Governor, it will most likely be over-ridden.

Interim Dean Don Rogers discussed the proposal, "Force of Nature," to feature hosting Japanese artists. This project, headed by Tom Stanley, is in collaboration with UNCC, Davidson and College of Charleston.

Dr. David Rankin, Interim Associate Vice President for Graduate Studies reported that enrollment is slightly lower than last year but is overall stable.

Dean Brien Lewis reported on the Office of Nationally Competitive Awards, the Leadership Studies program, an update on the hiring process of the new director for the International Studies office, and the restructuring of the LEAP program. The Title III grant proposal will be submitted in July.

The meeting concluded with Vice President Moore and Dr. Lee Cox giving thanks and appreciation to Dr. Polly Ford, who is retiring from the Board. He praised her work on this Committee and on the Winthrop Board of Trustees.

Report of the Finance Committee
Committee Chair Dr. Skip Tuttle began his report with a review the current budget by affirming the 2005-06 fiscal year will finish in the black.

The update on summer projects from Walter Hardin shows an extensive list of jobs to accomplish each summer. Especially impressive is embarking on yet another initiative to use electricity in conjunction with oil and gas to manage the heating and cooling of the campus. The facilities division continues to work toward saving and managing resources and should be commended for all of the work they do in this regard.

Skip Tuttle then moved to accept the Resolution Regarding the 2006-2007 Operating Budget and Student Fees and seconded by Sue Smith Rex. The resolution passed unanimously by voice vote.

Report of the University Relations Committee
Chair Glenda Pittman Owens reported on the following items:
Intercollegiate Athletics
GPA:Overall, the athletic teams have had their highest GPAs ever. The overall GPA is 3.03 and the spring GPA was 3.13, the first time both scores have topped 3.0.

Highlights of the year in review included four conference championships that resulted in five NCAA regional appearances. We had our highest standing in the Sasser Cup competition with our second place finish. In the previous five years we have been ranked as third.

Division of Student Life
Admissions Report for Fall 06: enrollment is expected to top 1,100 students this coming fall. As of early June, over 5000 applications had been received with 1194 reservations for orientation and 1142 admissions deposits.

Review of Student Conduct Code: a review of the code was presented. Bethany Marlowe explained how the code functions to educate as well as protect students.

Active Learning Initiatives: a review of activities for the upcoming orientation and welcome week were presented. The committee enjoyed learning about the activities planned and could see the great deal of effort that went into the plans for the students.

Division of University Advancement
Assistant Director of University Relations, Ms. Monica Bennett and Director of Alumni programs, Mr. Sylvester Owens were introduced to the group. Both bring a wealth of information and experience to us and are a welcome addition to our campus.

Update on Alumni Reunion Celebration weekend: reunion classes included those with years ending in "1" and "6." This year was especially touching when Betty Holcombe surprised her college roommate, Ernestine Steedly with a $50,000 endowed scholarship in her name.

Update on Ring Ceremony: 56 students (of the 150 who purchased a ring) and their families participated in the event.

Report of the Nominating Committee
Chair of the Nominating Committee, Larry Durham reported on the slate of officers for the 2006-07 term. Karl Folkens was nominated for a second term as Chair, Kathy Bigham was nominated as Vice Chair, and Donna Tinsley was nominated as Secretary of the Board. No other nominations from the floor were made. Sanita Savage moved to accept the slate of officers as proposed, Mary Jean Martin seconded. The vote was unanimously passed by voice vote.
Report from Faculty Representative

Dr. Tim Daugherty began his report by discussing the challenge made by VP Tom Moore to approach student learning in new ways such as a new grading scale, a change in the drop/add period, as well as additional majors. Faculty members are committed to the long-term campaign of improving student learning.

Report from the Student Representative
Many new activities planned for the upcoming year. Plans include the transformation of the structure of the Council of Student Leaders into divisions rather than committees. They also will have a new position on the committee that will work with homecoming. In August, new students will be recruited to fill the three seats reserved for incoming students.

Report from the President
Dr. DiGiorgio began his report by thanking the Board for their confidence and support in his annual evaluation and contract renewal.

The President continued his report by discussing the upcoming plans for the Executive Officers' retreat to create the 2006-07 Vision of Distinction which will be based on the direction given by the Board in this meeting.

Update on Campus Smoking Policy: As of August 1, Winthrop will become a smoke-free campus with smoking restricted to designated areas. This has been a long, well planned process and is well accepted by the campus community.

Sandlapper Magazine: Through the generosity of Fred Faircloth and family, Winthrop was showcased in the most recent issue of the Sandlapper magazine.

In summary, the President thanked the Board, faculty, and staff for their work during this past academic year and is looking forward to the beginning of the new year in August.

Old Business
There was no old business.

New Business
There was no new business.

Janet Smalley moved, seconded by Polly Ford, that the Board adjourn. The motion was passed unanimously by voice vote and the Board adjourned at 3:40 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Kimberly Faust, Secretary to the Board for 2005-06.