February 22 - 24, 2008
Olde Stone House
Winthrop University
Rock Hill, South Carolina

Members present: Karl Folkens (Chair), Leland Cox, Janet Smalley, Glenda Owens, Sue Smith-Rex, Donna Tinsley, Kathy Bigham, Frances Davenport, Jane LaRoche, David Vipperman, Dalton Floyd, Sam Foster, Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio).

Members absent: None

Representatives present: Cheryl Fortner-Wood, Faculty Representative

Representatives absent: Dustin Evatt, Student Representative

Others present: Kimberly Faust, Rebecca Masters, Brien Lewis, JP McKee, Amanda Maghsoud, Tom Moore, Jessica Schonberg of The Herald, Kerri Todd and Christy Mullins of The Johnsonian.

The Board of Trustees met on Friday, February 22 through February 24, 2008 on the campus of Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.


Call to Order

Chair Folkens called the meeting to order at 4:12 p.m. on Friday, February 22. As there were no requests made for public comments, Chair Folkens welcomed the trustees to the retreat by summarizing the agenda and events scheduled for the weekend.


Approval of Board Minutes of November 2, 2007.

Dalton Floyd moved, seconded by Lee Cox, the Board approve the minutes as presented. This motion was approved unanimously by voice vote.


Report of the Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees met on campus on January 23, 2008. The Executive Committee reviewed and discussed several matters but took no actions.

The vast majority of the materials reviewed have been provided to the Board in the most recent packet of updates. In addition, many issues discussed will be a part of this weekend's agendas or within the retreat presentations.

The Executive Committee also had an executive session for discussion of legal, personnel, and contractual matters. No action was taken in the executive session.

Academic Affairs Committee chair, Lee Cox brought forward a resolution from his committee to approve the following three programs. As they are recommendations from a standing committee, no second is required.

The first resolution, a Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training was passed unanimously. The second resolution, a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science was approved unanimously. The third resolution, a Masters in Teaching in Early Childhood Education was also passed unanimously.

Finance Committee chair, Kathy Bigham brought forward a resolution from her committee to authorize the issuance of not exceeding fourteen million dollars of general obligation state institution bonds for Winthrop University. As it is a recommendation from a standing committee, no second is required. The resolution passed unanimously.


Old Business

There was no old business.


New Business

There was no new business.

Chair Folkens then yielded the floor to President DiGiorgio who gave a series of presentations to the Board. These presentations included updates, status reports, and future plans for a wide range of issues pertinent to the University. The first presentation concerned the Winthrop Legislative Forecast and included a short discussion with Mr. DeWitt Zemp, Winthrop's Legislative Liaison to the South Carolina General Assembly.

The retreat was recessed at 5:20 to permit the trustees to attend the Bracketbuster Men's Basketball game against Davidson College.

On Saturday, February 23, the retreat resumed with a power point presentation from Vice President of Finance and Business, JP McKee and Associate Vice President of Finance, Amanda Maghsoud. The focus of the power point was the Budgeting and Accounting process and procedures of Winthrop.

After the Board's discussion on budgeting practices, President DiGiorgio gave the trustees a summary of projects and programs that had been undertaken in the previous twelve months.


Executive Session

Janet Smalley moved, seconded by Frances Davenport, the Board move into executive session for the discussion of personnel, contractual, and legal issues. No action was taken in the executive session. Kathy Bigham moved, seconded by Lee Cox, the Board end the executive session and move back into public session. The motion passed unanimously.

After the Executive Session, the President continued his presentation with an update on the progress of facilities projects and the campus environs including an update on the bidding process for the campus center and the renovation of Scholar's Walk.

The retreat was recessed at 4:45 p.m. to permit the trustees to attend the First Pitch Baseball dinner.

On Sunday, February 24, the retreat resumed with a general, potpourri session in which the trustees were invited to raise issues for discussion. At this time Dalton Floyd spoke briefly about the Higher Education Foundation and the Lightsey Society. He provided copies of the society materials and invited the trustees to attend the upcoming dinner honoring Secretary Riley's induction into the SC Higher Education Foundation' Hall of Fame.

As the final session of the retreat, the trustees reviewed their annual self-evaluations and discussed their effectiveness as trustees.


Executive Session

Lee Cox moved, seconded by Jane LaRoche, the Board move into executive session for the discussion of personnel, contractual, and legal issues. No action was taken in the executive session. Glenda Owens moved, seconded by Sam Foster, the Board end the executive session and move back into public session. The motion passed unanimously.



Hearing no objections, Chair Folkens adjourned the meeting at 1:20 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Kimberly Faust, Secretary to the Board for 2007-08.