February 19-21, 2010
Macfeat House
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC

Members present:  Kathy Bigham (Chair),  Leland Cox, Janet Smalley, Tim Sease, Sue Smith-Rex, Donna Tinsley, Karl Folkens, Frances Davenport, Jane LaRoche, David Vipperman, Dalton Floyd, Sam Foster, Bob Thompson, Thomas Pope, Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex officio).

Members absent:  None

Representatives present:  Marsha Bollinger, Faculty Representative, Sydney Evans, Student Representative

Representatives absent:  None

Others present:  Kimberly Faust, Rebecca Masters, DeeAnna Brooks, Kathryn Holten, Brien Lewis

The Board of Trustees met on Friday, February 19 through 21, 2010on the campus of Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.

Call to Order

Chair Bigham called the meeting to order at   4:09 p.m. on Friday, February. As there were no requests made for public comments, Chair Bigham welcomed the trustees to the retreat by summarizing the agenda and events scheduled for the weekend.

Approval of Minutes of November 6, 2009

Dalton Floyd moved, seconded by Bob Thompson, the Board approve the minutes as presented.  This motion was approved unanimously by voice vote. 

Report of the Executive Committee and Chair of the Board

The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees met on campus on Wednesday, February 3, 2010.  The Executive Committee reviewed and discussed several matters but took no actions.

Chair Bigham reported the vast majority of the materials reviewed during the Executive Committee meeting have been provided to the Board in the most recent packet of updates.  In addition, many issues discussed will be a part of this weekend's agendas or within the retreat presentations.

The Executive Committee also had an executive session for discussion of legal, personnel, and contractual matters.  No action was taken in the executive session.

Old Business

There was no old business.

New Business

There was no new business.

Chair Bigham then yielded the floor to President DiGiorgio who gave a series of presentations to the Board.  The first presentation was a review of past year focused on how the economy, state budget situation, and campus facilities have progressed since the previous Board retreat in February 2009. 

The retreat was recessed at 5:00 p.m. with plans to resume at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday at the Macfeat House.

On Saturday, President DiGiorgio continued his presentation to the Board with updates on Student Life, Facilities and Business, and Academic Affairs.  Vice President Brien Lewis gave an update to the Board on matters relating to University Development and Alumni Relations.  Vice President Kathryn Holten gave an update to the Board on matters relating to University Advancement and Enrollment Management. 

At the conclusion of the President's and Vice Presidents' presentations, Dr. Marsha Bollinger, Chair of Faculty Conference and Faculty Representative to the Board, distributed to the Trustees a copy of a resolution from Faculty Conference regarding the Board bylaws.  At present, Article VI, section B of the bylaws states "the Board delegates to the President the managerial and administrative authority for the ongoing operations of the University commensurate with the policies of the Board. Decisions made by the President may not be appealed to the Board of Trustees, except for an appeal to the Board in matters of faculty promotion and tenure predicated solely on the grounds of improper procedure."  The resolution as Dr. Bollinger presented requested the Board reconsider the above article to permit all recommendations made by the Faculty Conference be eligible for appeal directly to the Board.  

The Board began a fulsome discussion on this matter.  The discussion was tabled when the Board recessed at 5:00 p.m. 

The Board of Trustees reconvened at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday to continue the retreat.  The first order of business was to continue the Faculty Governance request.  Based on the thoughts that the faculty have representation on the Board (Faculty Representative to the Board) and have the ability to directly address the Board (Public Comment), the Board felt it was not necessary to change their bylaws at this time.  Dalton Floyd moved the Board maintain the bylaws as currently stated.  Lee Cox seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously. 

Executive Session

Bob Thompson moved, seconded by Janet Smalley, the Board move into executive session for the discussion of personnel, contractual, and legal issues.  Frances Davenport moved, seconded by Jane LaRoche, the Board end the executive session and move back into public session with actions taken.  The motion passed unanimously.


Hearing no objections, Chair Bigham adjourned the meeting at 12:25 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Kimberly Faust, Secretary to the Board for 2009-10

Approved by the board on April 16, 2010.