Meeting of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees

Friday, April 12, 2013
Gold Room, DiGiorgio Campus Center
Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC


Members present: Dalton Floyd (Chair), James Williamson, Janet Smalley, Jane LaRoche, Susan Smith-Rex, Karl Folkens, Kathy Bigham, Bob Thompson, Tim Hopkins, Don Long, Donna Tinsley-Holley, Scott Talley, Tim Sease, Anthony J. DiGiorgio (ex-officio)

Members absent: Glenn McCall

Representatives present: Kambrell Garvin, Student Representative; Cliff Calloway, Faculty Representative

Representatives absent: None.

Others present: Faculty, students, and staff of Winthrop University, Tori Wright and Adarrel Gadsden from the Johnsonian,


The Board of Trustees met on Friday, April 12 on the campus of Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.


Call to Order

Chair Floyd called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m. in the Evans Room of the DiGiorgio Campus Center.

Bob Thompson moved, seconded by Janet Smalley, that the Board move into Executive Session for the discussion of personnel, contractual, and legal issues. Don Long moved that the Executive Committee return to Public Session with Jimmy Williamson seconding the motion, which was approved unanimously by voice vote. No actions were taken in Executive Session

The meeting was recessed at 12:20 p.m. for lunch break and resumed at 1:05 p.m.


Approval of Board Minutes of February 15, 2013

Bob Thompson moved, with a second from Jane LaRoche, to approve the minutes from the meetings of February 15, 2013. The minutes were approved unanimously as presented.


Report of the Executive Committee and Chair of the Board

Chair Floyd reported that the Executive Committee had met on campus on March 27, 2013. Several matters were reviewed and discussed. The materials from the meeting have been forwarded to each of members of the Board. The first item of business addressed by Chair Floyd was the naming of the Nomination Committee.

As per Article III, Section B, the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees shall appoint from among the voting members of the Board the members of a Committee on Nominations, subject to the consent of the Board of Trustees. Chair Floyd appointed Janet Smalley as chair of the committee, with Glenn McCall and Jane LaRoche as the remaining two members. The Board had no objections to the selection of these three members. As noted in the bylaws, the committee will notify the full Board of their slate of nominees for chair and vice-chair within one month of the next meeting.

Chair Floyd then named the Presidential Transition Committee: Dalton Floyd (Chair), Kathy Bigham, Bob Thompson, Karl Folkens and Janet Smalley. This committee will provide oversight with the transition process of President DiGiorgio to President Emeritus status and Dr. Jayne Marie (Jamie) Comstock to the position of the 10th president of Winthrop.

Chair Floyd next asked that the Board consider a number of resolutions including a resolution to honor Mr. Kambrell Garvin for meritorious service to Winthrop University as the president of the Council of Student Leaders and as student representative to the Board of Trustees as well as to the presidential search and selection committee. As the resolution was from the Executive Committee, no second was needed. The resolution passed unanimously. Tim Hopkins read the resolution

Mr. Floyd then brought forth a resolution regarding the naming of Dr. Anthony J. DiGiorgio as president emeritus and Mrs. Gale N. DiGiorgio as first lady emeritus in honor of their 24 years of service in numerous capacities, both official and unofficial, in advancing Winthrop University and promoting a community spirit among its students, faculty and staff. As the resolution was from the Executive Committee, no second was needed. The resolution passed unanimously. Bob Thompson read the resolution

Karl Folkens moved, second by Kathy Bigham that the board approves the reassignment of the President for post-retirement duties with the Board/University and authorize the Board chair to affect that reassignment. Motion was unanimously approved.


Report of the Committee on Academic Affairs

Chair Smalley asked that the Board consider a resolution concerning a new forum on Leadership at Winthrop University. As this resolution was from the Committee on Academic Affairs, a second is not required. After a short discussion, the resolution concerning the DiGiorgio Leadership Forum passed unanimously. Tim Hopkins read the resolution. Dr. DiGiorgio spoke and thanked everyone for the gesture as leadership is something he has an interest in for years. He looks forward to beginning work in the future and making the forum a success.

Chair Smalley's report continued with an update from today's earlier meeting of the Committee on Academic Affairs. Dean Jack DeRochi reported on the history of graduate programs at Winthrop and the changes that are taking place putting the focus on recruitment, admissions, engagement and degree completion. Updates from the AAAS Office include the implementation of an electronic transcript service, and participation in the 2013 Tufts University national study on learning, voting and engagement (NSLVE). From the Riley College of Education congratulations were given to Dr. Janet Wojcik for her work in securing an $87,618 grant in collaboration with the Eat Smart-Move More-York County program.

Dean Mark Herring of Dacus Library informed the committee that the decision to keep Dacus open 24 hours continues to be appreciated by students. Between midnight and 7:00 a.m. over 1,500 students have visited the library this semester. More than 550 mathematics professionals and students attended the Spring 2013 meeting of the Mathematics Association of America's Southeastern Section meeting hosted by Winthrop University. Twenty-two Winthrop dance students participated in the Southeast American College Dace Festival in Tampa, FL last month. Twelve dance pieces were selected for the final gala concert.

Dean Gloria Jones spoke of the 2013-14 global Common Book The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind. A year of programming for the book as well as a campus visit from the author is planned for the upcoming year. Lastly, Chair Smalley noted Dr. Laura Ullrich's impact study of the potential increase of state tax collections with the completion of the Dave Lyle Blvd project


Report of the Committee on Finance

Chair Karl Folkens reported on the briefing from the independent audit firm, Cline Brandt Kochenower Company regarding the upcoming financial audit for the year ending June 30, 2013.

The Finance Committee reviewed the College of Education's report that Macfeat lab fees will increase by 6% for the 2013-2014 academic year. This is in accordance with the four year plan proposed by the College of Education and approved in 2010 to reduce the difference between the costs to run Macfeat Lab School and the tuition income. The College believes the proposed rates are reasonable when compared with premier early childhood education programs in this area.

Dr. DiGiorgio followed comments of the Finance Committee report, noting the current status of the State's budget process. The House budget version has been adopted with no new recurring dollars for Winthrop. There is a one-time $750,000 appropriation for Winthrop, thanks to Gary Simrill. However, there will be increased unfunded mandates for retirement of what is projected to be around $800,000. Healthcare and utility increases are also unknown factors. Healthcare is projected to be around $300,000 and Duke Power has asked the state for a 14% increase in rates. There could be other increases, too. For example, the House budget has no provision for faculty/staff salary increases. At this time, the Senate is only beginning its budget deliberations. The Senate typically uses higher income estimates. Although several economic signs are positive, little gain is projected to come to higher education.


Report of the Committee on Student Life

Committee chair Kathy Bigham began with a summary the report from Athletic Director Tom Hickman. First on the committee's agenda was an introduction to our newest coach, Mr. Bruce Atkinson, head volleyball coach. He previously coached at Towson State University and University of Hawaii at Hilo. Coach Atkinson has his undergraduate degree in exercise science from Bigham Young University and a doctor of chiropractic degree from Southern California University of Health Sciences.

Additionally, the Winthrop Student Athletes had a good semester in Fall 2012 in regard to their grades and GPAs. Ten teams had a semester GPA of over 3.0. Kudos to Coach Andrew Stubbs for his leadership of the men's golf team with the highest semester GPA of 3.84. The women's golf team led all of the women's teams with a semester GPA of 3.43.

Chair Bigham then summarized the reports from the Division of Student Life including and introduction of Jackie Concodora who replaced Bill Cabaniss as the new Director of Center for Student Wellness. Jackie has a wealth of experience in health management practice and we believe our Center for Student Wellness will be in good hands under her direction.

Earlier this week we learned the DiGiorgio Student Union (DSU) has won Campus Activities Magazine's Campus Program Board of the Year Award for the fourth time. Director of the DSU, Boyd Jones, was honored last month by the Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities when they awarded him their Lifetime Achievement Award.

Chair Bigham ended her report by announcing the selection of Winthrop University for the President's Honor Roll for Community Service for the eighth consecutive year.


Report of the Committee on Institutional Advancement and Development

Committee Chair Bob Thompson reported on the status of freshman applications for Fall 2013. It is expected to be on par with last year's admission numbers. We have an increase of 16% in Palmetto Fellows admitted to the university. We will know in August if all will choose to enroll.

Staff from University College, particularly the Resource Center for Adult Students and Veteran's Student Services Office have provided training for the admissions staff.

World Wide Winthrop Day was held on Saturday, April 6. A social media event, it resulted in "attendance" of 615 students of which 85% are expected to enroll based on previous history.

The software package used by the Admissions Office to process applications is being discontinued. As a result, we have begun the process of distributing a call for RFPs for a new vendor. The solicitation period will end on April 19 with a new vendor chosen by May 1.

The update on Distinction: The Campaign for Winthrop was positive with the current total at $40,748,144 or 81% of the final goal. Especially noteworthy is that unrestricted gifts have increased by 29.1%.

The Winthrop Chimney Challenge, a holiday-themed giving challenge, has raised $126,921 to support the Winthrop Fund, an unrestricted fund that provides student scholarships. The holiday-themed challenge, which began at midnight Tuesday, Dec. 11, and ended at 11:59 p.m. Dec. 13, garnered 488 gifts — well beyond the challenge goal of 300. The challenge, issued by an anonymous couple, was straightforward: Secure 300 gifts to the Winthrop Fund in three days and receive a matching gift of $50,000. The cost of this unique social media campaign was only $1,678 compared to a typical print campaign that would have cost about $12,300.

This quarter saw the first gathering of the newly formed Winthrop faculty/staff alumni group. Since the first outreach last November, 132 employees who are also alumni have joined the group. The first organized event was dinner at the Shack prior to the Coastal Carolina basketball game.

Save the date cards have been sent to over 4,200 alumni who will be celebrating a milestone reunion this year in November to encourage them to plan th4eir fall travel with a three day celebration at Winthrop.


Report of the Chair of Faculty Conference

Dr. Cliff Calloway summarized the actions of the most recent Faculty Conference. In addition to the usual program review/modifications, Faculty Conference is in the process of re-certifying the General Education Touchstone Program courses. Rather than an overall re-certification, they are recertifying by course number: 100-level this year, 200-level next year, etc. All 100-level Touchstone Program course have been re-certified or withdrawn for 2012-2013. Secondly, Faculty Conference has approved a summer "grace term" GPA proposal: GPA earned by a student during summer will not place him/her on probation or suspension, but would allow students on probation to return to good standing. And finally, Faculty Conference Leadership Elections were held one meeting earlier this year to allow Academic Affairs to sponsor a Leadership Retreat focused on Faculty Governance. Amongst those elected were a new Faculty Conference Chair; Dr. John Bird, Professor of English. John will be at the June Board meeting and will be formally introduced.


Report of the Chair of the Council of Student Leaders

Kambrell Garvin reported on the recent elections for the president and vice president of the Council of Student Leaders. Former vice president, Mr. Christopher Aubrie was elected as the president for the 2013-14 academic year. In January the Council hosted the first Annual Rivalry Weekend, which featured weeklong events in preparation for the big Coastal Carolina basketball game. The Council sponsored a forum that addressed landlord tenant relations with Winthrop alumni and attorney, Brian Murphy. Since the forum, Mr. Murphy has been able to provide legal counsel to several Winthrop students on the subject matter.

Mr. Garvin concluded his remarks by thanking the Board for his time as student representative. "It's been an honor and privilege to have had the opportunity to serve as a member of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees for the past two years. Since day one, I was warmly welcomed and have been treated with kindness, respect and always felt sincerely valued. Over the next two years, I will be in the incredible position of serving as an elementary education instructor as a Teach for America corps members here in South Carolina. I'm excited about this opportunity and truly do look forward to making a positive difference in the life a child. For we know that knowledge is truly power."


Report of the President

Dr. DiGiorgio concluded the meeting commenting on the Medal of Arts ceremony being held that night.


Old Business



New Business




Hearing no objections, Chair Floyd adjourned the meeting at 1:54 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Kimberly Faust, Secretary to the Board