Minutes of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees

Friday, November 21, 2014

Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC


Members present: Kathy Bigham, Karl Folkens, Glenn McCall, Jane LaRoche, Susan Smith-Rex, Janet Smalley, Tim Hopkins, Don Long, Tim Sease, Randy Imler, Donna Glenn Holley, Scott Middleton, Ashlye Wilkerson (via teleconference), Cindy Van Buren, Scott Talley, Debra Boyd(ex officio).

Members absent: None

Representatives present: Ian Deas, Student Representative; John Bird, Faculty Representative

Representatives absent: None

Others present: Anna Douglas, The Herald; Adarrell Gadsden, The Johnsonian; Andrew Kiel, WRHI; members of Winthrop faculty and staff;

The Board of Trustees met on Friday, November 21, 2014 on the campus of Winthrop University, Rock Hill, SC.

Public Comment

There were no requests for public comment.

Call to Order

Chair Bigham called the meeting to order at 1:06 p.m. She welcomed all present.

Approval of Minutes
Don Long moved to accept the minutes from the meetings of October 3, and November 11, 2014. Glenn McCall seconded the motion. The vote was unanimous in favor of the minutes as submitted.

Report of the Executive Committee and Board Chair
Chair Kathy Bigham reported on the status of the search for the 11th president of Winthrop University. She reminded the Board that in our previous search, we were conducting first round interviews in early December but this search is progressing at a different pace. Our search consultant, Mr. Bill Funk, has a different, more deliberative style and we are seeing good results thus far. The search committee is on target to recommend three to five, unranked candidates to be the finalists and visit campus for a series of interviews and public presentations by late February to early March.

Report of the Committee on Academic Quality
Committee Chair Sue Smith-Rex stated the Committee received a report from Jean Silagyi-Rebovich, Director of Assessment, and Karen Jones, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, on the results from the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE.) Our response rate was about 29% with nearly 80% of responding seniors reporting that they have participated in 2 or more high impact practices such as service-learning, internships or field experiences, and study abroad.

The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) document was reviewed. The document is still undergoing some modifications as we decide which indicators and reporting format is most useful for our purposes. All divisions of the University will eventually have their own set of pertinent dashboard indicators.

Debra Boyd reminded the Committee that our University's mission statement has not been significantly updated since 2011. As the Committee work moves forward, this is a task to be undertaken.

Report of the Committee on Compensation
Committee Chair Janet Smalley began her report by reviewing the work to date on crafting the mission statement, charge to the committee, and operating guidelines for the new committee. She reported the committee approved these documents and the next step is for the documents to be reviewed for approval by the Executive Committee at its meeting in January 2015.

Also present at the Committee on Compensation was a number of members of the newly appointed Competitive Compensation Committee, Dr. Roger Weikle, Ms. Karen Jones, Dr. Dwight Dimaculangan, and Mr. Grant Scurry. The committee is expected to complete their work by April 15, 2015 in preparation for the 2015 — 2016 budget. The three phases of the study are (1) identify areas of improvement, (2) address policies such as compression, recruiting packages, professional development, etc., and (3) receive faculty and staff suggestions and feedback regarding data sources.

Report of the Committee on Enrollment and Retention
Committee Chair Karl Folkens provided a summary of the enrollment and retention report provided during the committee meeting. In summary, the number of applications is trending positively and while there are many nuances in the data, overall, the enrollment and retention numbers are positive.

The committee also reviewed the new marketing campaign comprised of 14 billboards, radio advertisements in four markets, and Facebook advertisements that directed interested parties to the admissions homepage. From that campaign we have seen an increase in applications from the local markets and an uptick in visits to the admissions website.

Each year about this time, the National Student Clearinghouse Report of fall 2014 freshman applicants is released. This report provides information on the college of choice for those students who applied to Winthrop but did not enroll. The top five institutions chosen by the non-enrollees are USC-Columbia, College of Charleston, Clemson, Coastal Carolina, and USC-Upstate.

The committee then discussed activities that could be done by the Trustees in support of enrollment. Under development is a unique code number for each Trustee to distribute to a select number of applicants as a way to advertise and encourage deserving students to apply. The code, when entered on the Winthrop application, would waive the application fee.

Report of the Committee on Finance
Committee Chair Glenn McCall began his report with a summary of Mr. Ben Kochenower's external audit for the year ending June 30, 2014. The external audit firm met with the audit committee on May 9, 2014, and explained the preliminary results to the Committee. Overall, the audit is positive and Mr. Kochenower was very complimentary of the finance and budget staff at Winthrop. There was no management report produced because there are no outstanding issues or problems to be addressed.

Based on a review of the budget to date, revenue projections are on target and may possibly exceed projections.

Lastly, on behalf of the Committee on Finance, he thanked Mr. James Hammond, Associate Vice President for Information Technology, for his many years of service to Winthrop University and wished him well as he begins a new phase of his career with the Carolina Panthers football organization.

Report of the Committee on Institutional Advancement and Development
Committee Chair Tim Hopkins reported on plans to finalize the Distinction: a Campaign for Winthrop. To date, the campaign has surpassed our first campaign dollar amount and currently sits about $44 million. The committee learned many institutions include private grants in their campaigns and we are looking into doing so.

Internally, the Advancement Division has been assessing staff and work assignments with the assistance of consultant Charlie Witzleben. He is currently completing an internal audit of needs for the entire advancement division. So far, the assessment has indicated several categories to be strengthened: (1) engagement, (2) fundraising, and (3) operations. A request has been made to the Foundation Operations Committee to increase the budget by $211,000 and will be discussed at the upcoming Foundation Board meeting on December 4, 2014.

Report of the Committee on Student Life and Athletics
Committee Chair Scott Talley described the report received from Athletic Director Tom Hickman. Mr. Hickman discussed the NCAA Division I Grants Program including the
Academic Enhancement fund, Sports Sponsorship fund, Grants-In-Aid, and the Students Assistance Fund. All of these funds are sponsored by the NCAA and provide funding for our student-athletes.

The report given by Vice President of Student Life, Dr. Frank Ardaiolo, began with an overview of the university's Ebola Protocol, a state mandated protocol from the Governor's office.
He also introduced Ms. Ellin McDonough, the interim director of Career Services. He finished his report with a discussion of a recent SWOT analysis which resulted from the Division's ongoing process to rejuvenate and reconsider means for approaching its work allowing staff members to focus more efficiently, given limited resources, on what they can do. Especially important was the educational obligation for creating the conditions and opportunities for student learning across many platforms. The business side of the Division along with enhancing student engagement for recruiting and retaining students was emphasized.

Report of the Chair of Faculty Conference and Faculty Representative to the Board
Dr. John Bird described the current, ongoing work of the Faculty Conference. The main business is curricular as faculty meet the new rules implemented when we reduced the minimum credits needed for graduation. All colleges are working to accommodate the new 120 credit hour minimum. The subcommittee of the Academic Counsel is addressing the issue of academic integrity and a report is soon expected.

He briefed the Trustees on the upcoming joint meeting of the Faculty Committee on University Priorities and Faculty Committee on University Life to be held on December 2, 2014.

Dr. Bird concluded his report by inviting the Trustees to the next meeting of the Faculty Conference on Friday, December 5, 2014 at 2:00 p.m.

Report from the President of the Council of Student Leaders (CSL) and Student Representative to the Board
President Ian Deas reported on the most recent activities of the Council. The CSL listens campaign held a meet and greet to provide student the opportunity to meet and get to know their representatives to the Council. Students continue to use the suggestion box located in the lobby of DIGS as a way to share ideas with the CSL.

To date, the Council has allocated $13,305 (about half of the total available) to clubs and organizations to support their on-campus programming. Two new organizations, Pinky Promise Winthrop and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. have been charted thus earning official club/organization status.

Report from the President
President Boyd began her report by thanking the Trustees for their continued support and guidance. As we have all been working as a team this year, it is appropriate for the Trustees to receive the new "Team Winthrop" rubber bracelets as an indication of our combined good will to move the University forward. She also directed their attention to the Student Resource guide they have been provided. This is the second year of this in-house publication that is to be used as a resource for faculty and staff to locate help and offer assistance to our students.

President Boyd built upon Chair Rex's NSSE report by giving detailed descriptions of various indicators. Winthrop uses its NSSE results to evaluate global learning, community service, and civic engagement initiatives. These results will help us evaluate learning associated with Winthrop's University Level Competencies and the quality of relationships our students report with other students, faculty members, and campus professionals in academic student support services. It also allows for a comparison of what our students are learning compared to their peers at other schools.

In discussing the creation of the Competitive Compensation Committee under the direction of co-chairs Karen Jones and Roger Weikle, President Boyd once again thanked the Board of Trustees for their support in creating this committee. The long-term goal of this action is to have compensation as a high priority on an annual basis.

President Boyd concluded her report by briefing the Trustees on actions to date regarding the request to rename the Tillman Administration building. She urged everyone to understand that while it is a complex and emotional issue, we need to have a civil discourse and find common ground and common purpose. Meetings have begun to talk about ways we might move forward to given the legislative restrictions against renaming historical buildings.

New Business
Trustee Dr. Jane LaRoche asked to be recognized in order to present a gift to Chair Kathy Bigham to acknowledge Ms. Bigham's many years of dedicated service to the University. Dr. LaRoche commissioned a desk made of South Carolina indigenous wood as a gift. Chair Bigham thanked Dr. LaRoche for her thoughtful gift and said she was genuinely heartened by the gesture.

Executive Session
Karl Folkens moved with a second from Randy Imler that the Board meet in executive session for discussion related to proposed contractual arrangements with the presidential search consultant and the receipt of legal advice pertaining to former and current employees. The vote was unanimous. Kimberly Faust, Debra Boyd, John Bird, and Ian Deas were invited to remain for the executive session. Donna Glenn Holley moved the Board end executive session, Don Long seconded. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. No actions were taken in executive session.

Sue Smith-Rex moved to adjourn the meeting with a second from Tim Sease. The vote was unanimous. The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Kimberly Faust, Secretary to the Board.