WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees met in Executive Session on June 7, 2001 to conduct the annual performance review of Anthony J. DiGiorgio, President of Winthrop University, as mandated by the State Agency Head Salary Commission; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees believes that the President DiGiorgio's performance merits a one-year extension to his existing contract, which expires June 30, 2003; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees reviewed the President's Contract, first executed in 1989, to ensure its consistency with present standard University human resources policies; and

WHEREAS, the Board believes it is appropriate to amend the President's Contract as necessary to update any provisions governed by standard University human resources policies;

THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that President DiGiorgio's existing contract, which expires June 30, 2003, be extended for one year to an expiration date of June 30, 2004; and

LET IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board hereby directs and empowers the Chair of the Board and the immediate past Chair of the Board to revise and execute an amended Contract with Anthony J. DiGiorgio as President of Winthrop University that reflects any necessary changes required to ensure consistency with standard University human resources policies.

June 8, 2001