WHEREAS, the former Student Government Association dissolved November 1, 2001; and

WHEREAS, students need a vehicle that provides a significant role in institutional decision-making and self-governance; and

WHEREAS, an ad hoc Council of Student Leaders was formed in December 2001 to carry on important functions while creating a viable organization and structure with a Constitution that can sustain itself; and

WHEREAS, the purpose of the Council shall be to Serve as the official student voice to the Winthrop University Board of Trustees and administration on appropriate matters; and

WHEREAS, the purpose of the Council shall be to strengthen relations among the administration, faculty, students and Rock Hill community; and 

WHEREAS, the purpose of the Council shall be to review and approve charter applications from new student organizations, including the annual registration of existing campus clubs and organizations; and

WHEREAS, the purpose of the Council shall be to oversee the distribution of student activity funds to all eligible campus clubs and organizations through the actions and guidelines of the Student Allocations Committee; and

WHEREAS, the purpose of the Council shall be to make all student appointments to campus committees as requested by the University's governance structures; and

WHEREAS, the purpose of the Council shall be to promote campus-wide institutional events such as Homecoming, Convocation, and other events; and

WHEREAS, the purpose of the Council shall be to mutually support the student activities of the Council's members and other campus clubs and organizations; and


WHEREAS, the purpose of the Council shall be to perform such acts as are necessary to advance student welfare;

THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Constitution of the Winthrop University Council of Student Leaders is approved and ratified.

November 8, 2002