WHEREAS, in accordance with Board Bylaws the Executive Committee met in Executive Session on May 25, 2011 to conduct the annual performance review of the President of Winthrop University as mandated by the State Agency Head Salary Commission; and

WHEREAS, the Executive Committee reviewed the responses to the State Agency Head Performance Survey submitted by the individual Trustees and reviewed the President's performance in terms of the Performance Planning Objectives; and

WHEREAS, the Executive Committee concluded that President DiGiorgio should receive the highest rating of "Exceeds Expectations" in the Board's formal evaluation to be submitted to the State Agency Head Salary Commission based on his stewardship of Winthrop University during this uncertain budget year, as the economy in general and state funding in particular continued to be precarious; and

WHEREAS, the Executive Committee commended President DiGiorgio for his leadership of the Readiness Winthrop initiative that has proven integral to how Winthrop has met recent economic circumstances, and how Winthrop will manage change going forward to ensure viability and growth over time; and

WHEREAS, in Executive Session the Executive Committee concluded that in the Board's formal evaluation to be submitted to the State Agency Head Salary Commission President DiGiorgio be recommended to receive the maximum salary increase if such an increase was to be awarded by the Commission;

THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that in its formal evaluation of the performance of Anthony J. DiGiorgio as President of Winthrop University to be submitted to the State Agency Head Salary Commission, President DiGiorgio will receive a rating of "Exceeds Expectations" and will be recommended to receive the maximum salary increase if such an increase was to be awarded by the Commission for 2011-12.

June 10, 2011