WHEREAS, the Winthrop University President's House was built in 1890 and was offered as a president's home as part of Rock Hill's winning bid to move Winthrop to Rock Hill from Columbia, South Carolina in 1893; and

WHEREAS, the President's House was first fashioned in the Queen Anne Victorian style and later underwent a major renovation in 1917 when balconies, turrets, and other Victorian features were removed, the house was moved back from the street, and brick veneer was added; and

WHEREAS, in the past 100 years, the President's House has undergone additional renovations and refurbishments; and

WHEREAS, each of Winthrop's 11 presidents has lived in the President's House; and

WHEREAS, the University desires to preserve, protect, maintain and enhance the house's historical heritage and its use as an event venue for the University while accommodating the President's use of the house as a home for the President's family; and

WHEREAS, written policies will establish guidelines for the design, décor, maintenance and improvement of the house while promoting a system of oversight, efficiency and financial transparency.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Winthrop University President's House Policy as attached hereto and incorporated by reference be adopted by the Board of Trustees.

APPROVED, this the 6th day of April 2018.


A.Statement of Policy.

It is the policy of Winthrop University that the use, management, maintenance and improvement of the President's House, and the design and coordination of its interior and exterior decorative elements, shall preserve, protect and showcase its historical and iconic nature, and its use as an event venue for the University, while providing a comfortable and adequate home for the university's First Family. The Board of Trustees shall assume primary responsibility for the ongoing care and maintenance of the House.


The provisions set forth below apply to all who occupy, use, work in or around the Winthrop University President's House.

C.First Floor Design and Decor.

1.The Design Director and President shall collaborate on all changes to the interior design, décor, updates, and improvements involving the House's First Floor with oversight by the Secretary to the Board of Trustees. The Design Director will provide the President with several options on all such changes, and the President will make the final selection from those options. The President may also make written requests to the Design Director or the Secretary of the Board of Trustees with a copy timely sent to the Board Chair.

2.The Design Director shall provide an annual House Design budget to the Board Officers and the Board of Trustee's' Finance Committee by June 1st prior to each fiscal year. The budget shall include the proposed funding sources and may include planned reserves for future improvements and needs

3.The Board of Trustees shall consider and approve the House Design budget in conjunction with its review and approval of the University's budget.

4.Needs which arise after the review and approval of the House Design budget may be submitted to the Board Officers whose approval is mandatory for all such expenditures.

5.The Design Director shall report to the Board of Trustee's' Finance Committee at least seven (7) days prior to the Committee's regular meeting, including budget status and expenditures, in a format approved by the Vice President for Finance and Business.

6.In addition to creating and presenting an annual Design budget, the Design Director shall develop, report-out and timely update a three-year plan of expected needs and upgrades for the House within the Group's purview.

D.Second Floor Decor and Repairs.

1.Decisions about, and payment for, the décor and, furnishings, for the House's Second Floor will be made by the President who may, in the President's sole discretion, use the advising services of the Design Director without cost.

2.The First Family may borrow the university's surplus furniture and furnishings without cost.

E.Structural Projects and Grounds.

1.The Associate Vice President for Facilities Management and the President shall collaborate on all exterior design, décor, updates and improvements involving the House with oversight by the Secretary to the Board. The President may make written requests to the Associate Vice President for Facilities Management or the Secretary to the Board of Trustees with a copy timely sent to the Board Chair.

2.The Associate Vice President for Facilities Management shall provide an annual House Maintenance budget to the Board Officers and the Board of Trustee's' Finance Committee by June 1st prior to each fiscal year. The budget shall include the proposed funding sources and may include planned reserves for future improvements and needs.

3.The Board of Trustees shall consider and approve the House Maintenance budget in conjunction with its review and approval of the University's budget.

4.Needs which arise after the review and approval of the House Maintenance budget may be submitted to the Board Officers whose approval is mandatory for all such expenditures.

5.The Associate Vice President for Facilities Management shall report to the Board of Trustee's' Finance Committee at least seven (7) days prior to the Committee's regular meeting, including budget status and expenditures in a format approved by the Vice President for Finance and Business.

6.In addition to creating and presenting an annual Maintenance budget, the Associate Vice President for Facilities Management shall develop, report-out and timely update a three-year plan of expected maintenance needs and upgrades for the House.

F.The President will promptly notify the Secretary to the Board of Trustee of defects or damages to the House in writing. Any necessary repairs to the House will be made within a reasonable time.

Adopted April 8, 2018 by the Winthrop University Board of Trustees