Resolution to Honor Mr. Don Long for Meritorious Service on the Winthrop University Board of Trustees


WHEREAS, Winthrop University with grateful appreciation, does hereby acknowledge, commend and honor the eight years of distinguished service of Mr. Don Long as a member of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees; and


WHEREAS, he has freely given of his time and talents to strengthen the essential operations of the University, to further its progress toward reaching its institutional goals, and to fulfill its educational mission which has led to the increase of the quality of academic programs and the diversity of the student body; and


WHEREAS, his participation on the Board on a variety of committees during the tenure of three Presidencies has been characterized by his inquisitiveness, candor, and high level of commitment to education which will long be evident in the achievements of the University; and


WHEREAS, he has employed his community spirit and his resolute commitment to civic and educational advancement to ensure that Winthrop University continues its tradition of outstanding service to its students, the Rock Hill community, and the State of South Carolina; and


WHEREAS, Don has proven himself to be Winthrop’s most ardent fan in the never ending quest for a football program at Winthrop, going so far as to volunteer himself as quarterback should Winthrop find itself in need;


THEREFORE LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Winthrop University Board of Trustees and President Mahony, on behalf of the students, faculty and staff at Winthrop University, and the extended public higher education community, gratefully acknowledge the vigorous advocacy and heartfelt concern that Don has demonstrated on behalf of Winthrop and, in commending him for outstanding meritorious service, do wish him every success and happiness in all his future endeavors.


APPROVED, this the 28th day of June, 2019.