Resolution Condemning Racism and Other Forms of Injustice


WHEREAS, Winthrop University Board of Trustees is deeply saddened and concerned by the recent tragic events that have taken place in our country as well as the continued acts of injustice and inequality that run deeply in our society; and


WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees continues to be opposed to racism, bigotry, bias, intolerance, prejudice, and discrimination in all forms; and


WHEREAS, the Winthrop University community is stronger when people of all races, ethnicities, lifestyles, faiths, and cultures are equally welcomed and included; and


WHEREAS, it is only when we can acknowledge, respect, and celebrate our differences and commonalities will we truly become an integrated community of learners;


THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Winthrop University Board of Trustees to advance equality and inclusion in order to become a truly diverse, inclusive, and tolerant community for all members of the Winthrop family by advocating to right individual wrongs, to challenge structural inequalities, to promote civil liberties, and to expect equal treatment under the law for all people.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED to strengthen the sense of belonging among all members of our community, particularly those who too often have found themselves the targets of prejudice and discrimination, the Winthrop University Board of Trustees encourages South Carolina legislators to consider an amendment to the Heritage Act that would permit Winthrop University to change the name of Tillman Hall back to its original name of Main Building.


Approved this 19th day of June, 2020.