Resolution Regarding 2019-20 Performance Objectives for President Daniel. F. Mahony

WHEREAS, in accordance with Board Bylaws, the Executive Committee met in Executive Session on June 28th and July 24th, 2019 to discuss the annual performance objectives for the President of Winthrop University for 2019-20 as mandated by the State Agency Head Salary Commission; and

WHEREAS, President Mahony and the Trustees of Winthrop University, to build upon the successes of the strategic plan, have identified the key strategic priorities of academic year 2019-20 to be:


  1. Creation of campus-wide protocols and procedures for engaging with major businesses in the local area as well as stronger and more collaborative ties with local and state government
  2. Development of dashboards and other forms of data reporting as ways of sharing institutional information
  3. Completion of an interdivisional retention plan
  4. Completion of plan to increase alumni engagement and the annual giving rate
  5. Using Delaware Study and other relevant data, prepare Academic Master Plan for program refresh, development, and/or elimination.
  6. Fill vacant facilities leadership and subsequently develop Campus Master Plan to align with Academic Master Plan
  7. Completion of Classification and Compensation Study
  8. Develop a long-term strategy for addressing compensation issues
  9. Evaluate the financial status of the university's colleges and academic programs by performing cost-benefit analyses of each
  10. Launch SACSCOC Decennial Review Process
  11. Evaluate campus housing debt structure and make recommendations for future funding models
  12. Increase privately sourced funds available for student scholarships


WHEREAS, the performance objectives will be based on these key strategic priorities;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WINTHROP UNIVERSITY that the formal evaluation of the performance of Daniel F. Mahony as President of Winthrop University shall be made in accordance with these objectives as submitted to the State Agency Head Salary Commission.

APPROVED, this the 19th day of August, 2019