Resolution to Approve Amended and Restated Bylaws of the Winthrop University Board of Trustees

WHEREAS, in the fall of 2020, Board Chair Glenn A. McCall convened an ad hoc bylaws committee to do a comprehensive review of the Board’s bylaws in order to determine whether any provisions in the current articles should be eliminated, updated or revised as well as new articles added; and

WHEREAS, under the direction of Committee Chair, Dr. Julie Fowler, the Bylaws Committee consisting of Ed Driggers, Tim Hopkins, Robby Sisco, and Kathy Bigham, conducted such a review; and

WHEREAS, the committee prepared a detailed preliminary draft of proposed amendments to the Bylaws and solicited comments from all Trustees, University Counsel, and external counsel; and

WHEREAS, the committee revised their proposed amended and restated Bylaws based on Trustee and counsels’ input; and

WHEREAS, the bylaws of the Board of Trustees should at all times reflect the changing nature and character of the University while adequately meeting the needs of the Board.

THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Winthrop University Board of Trustees endorses and supports the language modifications in the attached bylaws in order to be both appropriate and consistent with the goals and policies of the Board.

Approved this 25th day of June 2021