Resolution on Adoption of Mission, Vision and Values Statements

WHEREAS, pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. §59-125-1, et. seq., the Board of Trustees of Winthrop University is created and established as a body corporate for the purpose of effectuating the educational mission of Winthrop University;

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Winthrop University Board of Trustees Bylaws art. II, it is the Board of Trustees’s duty to “provide oversight of the University’s mission";

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Winthrop University Board of Trustees Bylaws art. IV(a) it is the Board of Trustees responsibility to "[d]evelop and approve the mission of the University and review the associated mission statement no less than once every five years, to ensure the mission statement continues to reflect the values, beliefs, and vision of the University" and to "[o]perationalize the Board’s vision that guides the University’s strategic direction";

WHEREAS, the Winthrop University Board of Trustees has undertaken a comprehensive review and discussion of the Mission, Vision, and Values statements, to wit;

Mission Statement

Winthrop University challenges students of talent, ambition, and intellectual curiosity, equipping them to embrace and lead a world in transition -- where change is constant, uncertainty is real, and risk exists -- by providing learning experiences and instilling critical thinking skills empowering them to create the future.

Vision Statement

We aspire to be a transformational institution providing an excellent and affordable education within a vibrant and inclusive community offering the gift of learning, the tools for lifelong learning, and the confidence born of a robust and disciplined learning experience.

Values Statement

We are Winthrop, where we value . . .

  • A commitment to leadership, service, community, and
  • A culture of belonging, courage, free expression, and open civil
  • Rigorous instruction and experiential learning that prepares our students for success and leadership.
  • Rational thought, truth reverence, sound judgment, deep ethics, and unwavering commitment to excellence.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that on October 12th, 2023, the Winthrop University Board of Trustees hereby adopts the Mission Statement, Vision Statement, and Values Statement, and directs President Edward A. Serna to use such statements to submit a finalized strategic plan to this Board after further consultation with the Winthrop Community.

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Secretary to the Board of Trustees shall certify that the Winthrop University Board of Trustees approved this resolution on the 12th Day of October 2023, in a special meeting called by the Chairman of the Board. Such resolution shall be maintained and publicly posted by the Secretary of the Board in a time and manner as required by law.

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