WHEREAS, pursuant to S.C. Code Ann. §59-125-1, et. seq., the Board of Trustees of Winthrop University is created and established as a body corporate for the purpose of effectuating the educational mission of Winthrop University;

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Winthrop University Board of Trustees Bylaws art. II, it is the Board of Trustees duty to “provide oversight of the University’s mission”;

WHEREAS, a fundamental component of the Board's duty includes the prudent and strategic management of the University’s contractual relationships, especially those significant to the University’s operations and services;

WHEREAS, Sodexo has been a long-standing vendor providing essential services to Winthrop University, contributing significantly to campus life and the overall student experience;

WHEREAS, in line with the University's commitment to fiscal responsibility and the enhancement of student services, the Administration has renegotiated the contract with Sodexo to align more closely with the current and future needs of the University community;

WHEREAS, the re-negotiated contract with Sodexo was presented and thoroughly reviewed by the Administration in an open session on Friday, December 1, 2023;

WHEREAS, the reviewed contract with Sodexo involves substantial annual financial commitments exceeding $100,000;

WHEREAS, pursuant to Winthrop Board of Trustees Bylaws art. V(e), the Administration shall “(c)onsider and recommend to the Board, in collaboration with the Finance Committee, all proposals relating to large-scale contractual relationships with vendors including, but not limited to, those that provide online academic programming, or auxiliary services such as food service, catering, or other which are expected to exceed $100,000 annually.”

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Winthrop University Board of Trustees hereby adopts the re-negotiated vendor contract between Winthrop University and Sodexo, as presented by the Administration on December 1, 2023;

FURTHER RESOLVED, that this contract reflects the University’s commitment to providing high-quality services to its students and staff while maintaining fiscal responsibility and strategic partnership with vendors;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board authorizes the University Administration to execute and implement the terms of the contract with Sodexo in accordance with the terms discussed and agreed upon;

FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Secretary to the Board of Trustees shall certify that the Winthrop University Board of Trustees approved this resolution on the 1st day of December, 2023, in a regular, scheduled session after public notice. Such resolution shall be maintained and publicly posted by the Secretary of the Board in a time and manner as required by law.
