Center for Civic Learning

About the Center

Student Voting Engagement, including Voter Friendly Campus, All In Campus Democracy Challenge, and NSLVE Participation: Katarina Moyon, Director of the John C. West Forum on Politics and Policy

West Forum, NEW Leadership, political candidate visits: Katarina Moyon, Director of the John C. West Forum on Politics and Policy

Scout Projects: Cheryl Fortner-Wood, professor of psychology

"News Literacy and the Future of Journalism" series and Political Science Department matters: Jennifer Disney, chair, Department of Political Science

Academic Advising: Robert Prickett, interim chair, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies.

News Media Inquiries: Judy Longshaw, news and media services manager

Other Inquiries: The Office of the Provost, 114 Tillman Hall. 803/323-2220.