General Education Core

Critical Reading, Thinking, and Writing (CRTW) 201

Critical Reading, Thinking, and Writing (CRTW) 201 - Focuses on critical reading, critical thinking, and deliberative/argumentative writing. The class builds on skills acquired in Writing (WRIT) 101 and refined in The Human Experience (HMXP) 102. Successful critical thinking employs both inductive and deductive reasoning, draws upon primary and secondary resources for evidence and support, evaluates multiple viewpoints and methods, considers both the immediate and the long-term consequences of actions, avoids errors in logic and method, and recognizes the limitations that cultural experiences and individual temperaments place on our perceptions. In this course you will develop and strengthen your critical thinking skills through the analysis of extended works of mature prose and demonstrate those improved skills through both writing and speaking assignments.

Critical Reading, Thinking, and Writing (CRTW) is housed in the English Department and taught by English Department Faculty.