General Education Assessment Plan

University Learning Competencies


Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)

Assessment Procedure

Outcomes Measure Benchmark

Assessment Year


Winthrop graduates think critically and solve problems.

Writing and Critical Thinking

Students will use critical reading strategies to analyze a variety of texts.

Evaluation of sample of artifacts in Core curriculum

Score of 3 or 4 on revised Writing and Critical Thinking Assessment Rubric



Students will demonstrate technical skills as they relate to digital citizenship.

Evaluation of embedded measures in approved courses

Minimum score of 3 out of 4 on Technology Assessment Rubric


Students will show an understanding and ability to think computationally.

Quantitative Skills

Students will interpret mathematical models (formulas, graphs, tables, and schematics) to describe the behavior of a system and draw inferences from them.

Evaluation of embedded measures in approved courses

Minimum score of 3 out of 4 on Quantitative Skills Assessment Rubric


Students will communicate mathematical information symbolically, visually, numerically, and verbally.

Students will recognize situations where quantitative methods can be used to model and solve problems and employ appropriate tools from algebra, geometry, or statistics in formulating, analyzing, and solving those problems.

Students will think critically to estimate and check answers to problems using mathematics in order to determine reasonableness, identify alternatives, and select optimal results.

Natural Science


Evaluation of embedded measures in approved courses

Minimum score of 3 out of 4 on Natural Sciences Assessment Rubric



Winthrop graduates are personally and socially responsible.

General Education-Foundation (Freshmen Only)

Students will connect personal responsibility to their academic efforts.

Evaluation of Career Competencies Paper


Minimum score of 2 out of 3 on Career Competencies Rubric



Writing and Critical Thinking

Students will demonstrate personal integrity by properly incorporating and citing borrowed material in written and oral expression.

Evaluation of sample of artifacts in Core curriculum

Minimum score of 3 or 4 on revised Writing and Critical Thinking Assessment Rubric


Physical Activity

Students will identify appropriate and safe physical activity requirements specific to the course that will enable them to identify the connection between physical activity and overall health.

Evaluation of embedded measures in approved courses

Minimum score of 3 out of 4 on Physical Activity Assessment Rubric


Social Sciences

Students will identify social science methods of inquiry that reflect appropriate ethical considerations and social and cultural context.

Evaluation of embedded measures in approved courses

Minimum score of 3 out of 4 on Social Sciences Assessment Rubric


Students will communicate conceptual, philosophical, and theoretical ideas and concepts using the language of the social sciences.

Founding Documents (Constitution)

Students will identify the social and political contexts of the Founding Documents (United States Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Federalist Papers, and Emancipation Proclamation).

Evaluation of embedded measures in approved courses

Minimum score of 3 out of 4 on Founding Documents Assessment Rubric


Students will identify one or more documents that are foundational to the African American Freedom struggle.


Winthrop students understand the interconnected nature of the world and time in which they live.

Writing and Critical Thinking

Students will demonstrate the impact of the perspectives of others on their own experience.

Evaluation of sample of artifacts in Core curriculum 

Minimum score of 3 or 4 on revised Writing and Critical Thinking Assessment Rubric


Global Perspectives

Students will explore societies and cultures outside the dominant historical and cultural experience of the United States.

Evaluation of embedded measures in approved courses

Minimum score of 3 out of 4 on Global Perspectives Assessment Rubric


Students will describe the development and functioning of the modern world.

Students will identify relevant connections between course material and a global cultural event.

Historical Perspectives

Students will examine knowledge or ideas from a historical perspective.

Evaluation of embedded measures in approved courses

Minimum score of 3 out of 4 on Historical Perspectives Assessment Rubric


Students will demonstrate their ability to think historically by identifying sound and unsound historical reasoning.

Students will investigate how historical change occurs and be able to identify causes that contribute to change.

Students will analyze diverse cultures, aesthetics, and/or intellectual viewpoints and milieus.


Winthrop graduates communicate effectively.

Writing and Critical Thinking

Students will effectively discuss their thinking and the thinking of others in a variety of oral forms.

Evaluation of sample of artifacts in Core curriculum

Score of 3 or 4 on revised Writing and Critical Thinking Assessment Rubric


Oral Communication

Students will demonstrate oral communication skills appropriate to the discipline, including discussion of a variety of presentation styles, organizational techniques, and the use of appropriate visual aid in presentations.

Evaluation of embedded measures in approved courses

Minimum score of 3 out of 4 on Oral Communication Assessment Rubric 


CESHS Courses: Minimum of 2 out of 3 on internship assessment rubric


Students will show competence in oral communication.

Intensive Writing

Students will demonstrate competency in written communication through completion of one of more written assignments totaling 4,000 words of more.

Evaluation of embedded measures in approved courses

Minimum score of 3 out of 4 on Intensive Writing Assessment Rubric
