Completing the I-9 Form

This procedure is required for newly hired employees as well as employees who are rehired.

*Note: The Department of Homeland Security has published an updated I-9 form with a revision date of 03/08/2013.  Departments should always ensure that the most current version of the I-9 form is used in the hiring process.

STEP 1 — Login to the I-9 Online Inquiry system to determine steps needed for the employee's hire. 

    • new I-9 (See Step 2A) 
    • no E-Verify needed
    • Use this Request Form to begin the process for a new I-9 (using I-9 Advantage online software). You will need to supply the employee's name, e-mail address, and start date of employment. If the employee does not have an e-mail account, please contact Human Resources.
      • The employee must complete Section 1 of the I-9 form on or before their first day of work. 
      • Section 2 of the I-9 form MUST be completed on or before the employee's third day of work (to be completed in the Office of Human Resources).