Spots Available for Mathematics Department's Sonia Kovalevsky Day

April 26, 2017

Quick Facts

bullet point The event is free and open to middle-school girls in grades 6-8.
bullet point This is the event's third year.

ROCK HILL, SOUTH CAROLINA - Winthrop University's Department of Mathematics will bring the joy of math to local middle-school girls at the third annual Sonia Kovalevsky Day, set for Saturday, May 13.

The free one-day math outreach event will include a scavenger hunt around campus and exciting, interactive lessons involving sequences, Fibonacci numbers, the Golden Ratio, the Golden Rectangle and more.

Participants will receive a free lunch and T-shirt. The fun begins at 9 a.m. in 103 Owens Hall.

Space is limited, so those who are interested should sign up immediately by e-mailing Jessie Hamm, assistant professor of mathematics, at Registration closes this Friday.

Sonia Kovalevsky was the first major Russian female mathematician and the first women to be appointed to a full professorship in Europe. She made important contributions to analysis, partial differential equations and mechanics.

The project is supported through an INBRE grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health.

For more information, visit the Sonia Kovalevsky Day website. You can also call Hamm at 803/323-3032 or

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