Living Off-Campus

Property Maintenance

It is important to recognize that while your housing may be temporary, your neighbors could be living in their permanent residence. They have invested time and money in their homes and have a desire to maintain the neighborhood. Therefore, it is important that you maintain your residence in a manner that is in keeping with your neighbors.

Communicating with Your Landlord

When dealing with your landlord on the subject of repairs or maintenance, it is a good idea to designate one housemate as a spokesperson to avoid confusion and misunderstandings. When a problem arises, notify your landlord immediately. Delaying when you notify your landlord could turn a minor problem into a larger one involving greater inconvenience and expense. Always keep a record of communications with your landlord (e.g., letters, a log of phone calls, and meetings).

Routine Maintenance

Your lease may allocate responsibility for maintenance and repairs, including extermination, between the landlord and the tenant. While repairs necessary to meet housing code standards are the responsibility of the landlord, routine maintenance is generally the responsibility of the tenant. Unless your lease specifies otherwise, it is your responsibility to mow the lawn, pick up litter, and generally maintain the outward appearance of the property. Empty beer cans, bottles, or kegs left on the front porch do not contribute to a neat and orderly appearance and will not endear you to your neighbors.