Living Off-Campus

Saving Water

The following is from an e-mail containing some great advice on saving water from Winthrop University's former Associate Vice President for Facilities Management, Walter Hardin.

Dear Campus Community: 

Yes, it's hot out there — and dry, too. (I'm hoping that just typing that will help make it rain!) In fact, if you've just moved here, you may not know that the City of Rock Hill has imposed water restrictions during this drought period. The obligation to conserve water applies to campus residents, as well as our off-campus residents. Like other institutional citizens, Winthrop already has worked out an authorized watering schedule for parts of our property that require minimal watering, involving use of timed sprinklers on a rotating basis. So while you may see some watering going on here on virtually any day of the week, please know that is the approved plan.

Winthrop community members can help during this situation in other ways, whether they reside on- or off-campus. Following are a few tips on how virtually anyone can help conserve water, especially during a municipal restriction period. Please do your part to help by making as many of these practices a part of your daily routine as possible:

  • Don't let the water run while brushing your teeth, shaving, or washing your face. You'll save between three and five gallons of water each minute your faucet is turned off.
  • Individuals who shave with water running in the basin, probably use at least one gallon per minute, most of it wasted. A stoppered basin needs one-half gallon or so of water for adequate razor rinsing.
  • Don't use the toilet as a wastebasket. Some people flush away tissues and other bits of trash in the toilet. Using a wastebasket will save all those gallons of water that otherwise go wastefully down the drain.
  • Planning such things as showering and doing laundry for evening hours helps municipal providers manage peak demand.
  • Limit the length of your shower to 5 minutes or less. Reducing showering time by 1 minute can save 1,000 gallons of water a year.
  • A typical tub bath takes about 40 gallons of water. Use the minimum amount of water needed for a bath by closing the drain first and filling the tub only 1/3 full. Remember to plug the tub before turning on water; that initial burst of cold water will be warmed later by adding hot water.
  • Do full loads when washing clothes and running dishwashers so that you use water most efficiently.
  • Filling water bottles conserves water that otherwise might go down the drain when drinking from a fountain.
  • Car-washing should be done only at commercial providers that recycle water.

As you can see, most of these steps require only minor adjustments individually, but collectively, the Winthrop community can make a big difference in water consumption in Rock Hill. Thanks in advance for your help.

Stay cool,
Walter Hardin