
Application Process

What's involved?

Many applications for national awards require applicants to write personal statements, submit additional supporting documentation and identify faculty recommenders. In addition, some awards require that applicants apply to programs (study abroad, graduate school) before or at the same time as they apply for the national award.

When should I start?

Freshman year is a great time to start thinking about your goals during and after college and seeking out opportunities to help you achieve those goals. The earlier you make contact with ONCA, the more choices you'll have, and you'll give yourself more time to develop a competitive application.

Giving yourself at least one semester before the ONCA award deadline can make the challenge of maintaining your WU coursework while applying for national awards less stressful. Some successful applicants have been able to apply for and win multiple awards!

How do I start the process?

Follow the list below to see what is available to you!

  1. Fill out a Student Information Form
  2. Familiarize yourself with the awards on our listings page.
  3. Make an online appointment to consult with LeeAnn Pounds, ONCA Director, using this link or by downloading the Navigate app.
    • Select a date and time for your appointment. In-person and virtual appointments are available each week, except during breaks. Take note of the type of appointment you are selecting.
  4. Meet with LeeAnn Pounds.
    • During the meeting, you will discuss the awards you are interested in, learn about additional awards you might be eligible for, as well as decide if you will commit to applying for any awards.
  5. Before you continue, we would like you to check out this article on drafts: 'Shitty First Drafts' by Anne Lamott from Bird by Bird
  6. When you have decided to apply for an award, fill out the Intent to Apply form.
  7. Once you have committed to an award, LeeAnn Pounds will set up additional meetings with you.
    • In these meetings you will write and review any necessary papers, discuss award requirements, and make the application process go as smoothly as possible.
  8. Finally, you will be sent an ONCA Exit survey. 
    • This survey is your chance to give feedback on your experience. 
    • During this time you can also decide if you would like to be an ONCA ambassador.