FYE Peer Mentor Program

Application & Selection Process 

Step 1: Complete the Online Application

  • Fill out the online application thoroughly
  • NOTE: Applicants must upload a photo (a recent head and shoulders picture)
  • A key portion of the application are essay questions
  • Applicants should type essay responses in a Word document and paste into the online application
  • Essay Prompts are as follows:
      • As a potential new Peer Mentor, please provide a list of your on and office campus commitments for Fall 2021. Discuss how you plan to manage those obligations and remain committed to your Peer Mentor role? (150-300 words)
      • Why are you interested in becoming a 2021 Peer Mentor?
      • Having worked with a Peer mentor in your ACAD semester, what skills do you think are most necessary for a successful Peer Mentor (150-300 words)
      • Discuss what you hope students would benefit from having you as a mentor in their first semester of college (150-300 words) 
      • As a returning Peer Mentor, please provide a bulleted list of your commitments for Fall 2021. Discuss how you plan to manage those obligations and remain committed to your Peer Mentor role? (150-300 words)
      • Discuss the most rewarding and challenging aspect of your Fall 2020 Peer Mentor experience? BE SPECIFIC (150-300 words)
      • Discuss one-two SPECIFIC thing you would do differently if asked to return as a Peer Mentor for the Fall 2021 semester? (150-300 words)
      • What do you think are the greatest needs of a first-year students? Again, be specific. (150-300 words)

Step 2: References

  • Applicants must provide contact information for two professional references
  • References will receive an e-mail with instructions to submit an online reference form
  • Please contact your reference prior to submitting your application to ensure he/she is willing and can meet the deadline
  • Note: Applications must be submitted online. Applications are not considered complete until both an online application and recommendation form have been received

Step 3: Interview

  • First year applicants must participate in a group interview (see dates below)
  • ACAD faculty and staff will evaluate skills and suitability for the position
  • Successful candidates from the group interview will be invited to an individual interview
  • At the completion of individual interviews, candidates will be notified of hiring decisions

Step 4: Training

  • All Peer Mentors must attend a spring retreat; Sunday, March 28, 2021, 1:00-5:00pm
  • New Peer Mentors will be enrolled in LEAD 120B, a leadership course offered Spring 2021
  • Fall Training will be held on five different Friday afternoons from 9am-10am
  • View specific training dates and times; all training is mandatory




Peer Mentor Selection Timeline

Application Deadline

January 28, midnight

Group Interview Week

February 09-11

Individual Interview Sign-Ups

February 14, midnight

Individual Interviews

February 15-17

Selection Notification

February 19