FYE Peer Mentor Program

Position Description

A peer mentor is an upperclassman that represents the core values of Winthrop University and serves as a mentor and guide for incoming, first-year students. Peer Mentors partner with a faculty in an ACAD 101 course to offer the student perspective in weekly lessons and foster student engagement in and outside the classroom. Peer Mentors are selected through an application and interview process based on demonstrated academic success, leadership potential, involvement in campus organizations, and knowledge of campus resources.

Become a Peer Mentor

Undergraduate students interested in becoming a peer mentor must apply online and submit names and e-mails of two references to be contacted for reference completion. Candidates will then go through a two-part interview process (group and individual interviews).

Peer Mentor Responsibilities:

  • Attend all required training sessions
  • Attend mandatory events alongside first-year students during Welcome Week activities.
  • Partner with the faculty to deliver the student perspective on each class lesson.
  • Manage the Community Service Project.
  • Manage ACAD Class Instagram.  
  • Participate in one fundraising activity in the spring semester.
  • Meet with faculty each week to review lesson plan and discuss at-risk students.
  • Conduct a one-on-one with each student in his/her class (outside of formal class time).
  • Assist students in navigating the academic challenges of their first college year.
  • Submit all paperwork and assignments on time and with a high level of professionalism.
  • Follow guidelines set forth by the Director of the Office of the First-Year Experience and the Winthrop Student Code of Conduct.
  • Perform other duties as assigned. 
  • Note: New Peer Mentors must take LEAD 120B during the final third of the Spring 2021 semester and pass with a B- or better to serve as a Peer Mentor in the Fall 2021 semester (Friday Course Dates: TBA)

Peer Mentor Candidates must:

  • Minimum cumulative GPA:  3.0/4.0
  • Must be a full-time undergraduate student for Fall 2021.  
  • Must have completed 12 credit hours.  
  • Must be in good standing with the Office of Judicial Affairs.
  • May not work an additional job during Welcome Week 2021.   

Peer Mentor Compensation and Benefits:

  • Leadership stipend of $450
  • Staff shirt and nametag
  • DSU Welcome Week Pass
  • Development of highly marketable skills
  • Potential recommendations from Faculty/Staff Advisors, students, and FYE staff.
  • Reward of positively influencing the lives of others
  • 1 hour class credit — LEAD 120B