Dr. Edward A. Serna

Office of the President

A Message from Edward A. Serna

As a proud alumnus, I can speak from experience that Winthrop is a special place and that my time here transformed my life.

Now into my second year as president, I couldn’t be more excited to be leading this outstanding university. I am proud of all we accomplished together in year one and look with anticipation to that momentum driving us forward as we accelerate on transformative initiatives currently underway to shape our future:

Winthrop Strategic Plan. ACADEMIC EFFICIENCIES Data-driven inquiries to achieve cost
                     savings utilizing Gray Associates tool. NEW DEGREE PROGRAMS Market-driven analysis
                     by Gray Associates to identify programs of promise. TUITION TRANSPARENCY Study to
                     align tuition with peer institutions and clarify direct cost and out-of-pocket expenses.
                     COMPETENCY-BASED EDUCATION A new mode of online delivery for certificates, credentials
                     and degrees. CAMPUS MASTER PLAN Flexible blueprint for facilities and infrastructure
                     needs for the next decade. CAMPUS BEAUTIFICATION INITIATIVE Plan to ensure Winthrop's
                     historic campus remains how a college or university should look. BRAND IDENTITY STRATEGY
                     Comprehensive approach to capture the essence of Winthrops character, history and
                     values. ECONOMIC IMPACT STUDY Data on Winthrop as an economic engine in the city,
                     region and state, helping drive growth and vitality. EMPLOYEE SATISFACTION Survey
                     to measure the contentment level, commitment, and motivation of employees and provide
                     actionable data to improve their experience. STAKEHOLDER INPUT Qualitative and quantitative
                     feedback from those invested in Winthrop's future.

Within the year, we will have a blueprint for Winthrop’s next three to five years and see alignment of our institutional mission, vision and values. We’re committed to this because we want Winthrop to be a place where all students can belong and thrive, not to mention be transformed for success today and beyond. 

This is a fantastic time to learn more about Winthrop. See what’s happening with strategic planning, check out our About Winthrop page, read our pride points, and scan recent headlines. I invite you to come visit campus and discover all Winthrop has to offer you. I have a feeling you’ll quickly love it here as much as I have.

Always an Eagle,

Edward A. Serna ‘02