Office Hours for Students

Office Hours Meeting Request

Dr. Serna offers in-person office hours to current students. These meetings are typically casual, with the president open to talking to students about their concerns or getting to know them. The meetings are typically about 15 minutes during Common Time (11 a.m.-12:15 p.m.) on specific dates that are shared/promoted on campus and on social media. The form below allows students to sign up for an office hours meeting and helps Office of the President staff prepare for your meeting. Please note below if you would like to bring a friend or two to the discussion.

Yes! I'd like to bring a friend. (Limited to two additional students)
Does this request relate to a class assignment?

If yes, please do not schedule an office hours appointment. Instead, describe the assignment and any questions you may have in an e-mail to If Dr. Serna is able to accommodate your request for information, he will do so or direct you to another administrator for assistance.

Please select the Office Hours date you are requesting:

Check back for additional dates!

Upon submission of this form and assignment of a time by staff, you will receive a follow up email confirmation. If a session is full, staff will let you know as well. Thank you for your interest in Dr. Serna’s office hours for students!