Faculty and Staff - May 31, 2023

Earlier this month our partners at Gray Associates held a two-day markets workshop for some members of the leadership team, their key staff, the deans and our department chairs. I am pleased that participants were fully engaged, discussion was robust and animated, and the process was collaborative.

The first day focused on potential new programs, market demand and viability, and competition. Group breakout sessions produced many new undergraduate and masters-level programs, in addition to some professional doctoral programs. Group consensus emerged in favor of several of these. Work on those most readily feasible will begin soon. More on this will follow in the weeks and months to come.

The workshop’s second day focused on existing programs and discussion on recommendations to invest for growth, invest for transformation, sustain and invest when needed, sustain but no longer reinvest, and sunset. No firm recommendations came out of the second day’s work, but the group left committed to continuing this work together. Participants expressed a strong desire to work hand in hand with BRG and the Strategic Planning Steering Committee on next steps.

I hope you find this update helpful, and I appreciate the efforts of all who are involved in this important work.  


Edward A. Serna
