Admission Policies

Winthrop University admits all qualified applicants and offers equal educational opportunities regardless of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion or disability. Applicants are admitted on the basis of the probability of their success in completing the requirements for graduation.

Application Fee and Time Period: All applicants for admission to graduate studies must submit a complete application with a $50 non-refundable application fee. Applicants should submit all payments to Winthrop University in United States currency. Payment must accompany the application before it can be processed. The application and credentials are valid for a period of one year beyond the initial date desired for enrollment. Applicants who do not enroll within this time period and who subsequently desire to be admitted must reapply and repay the fee (non-refundable) and may be required to resubmit all supporting materials.

Disposition of Application Materials: Credentials or supporting materials submitted for admission to Graduate Studies become the property of the University and are not returned. Copies will not be provided to a third party outside the University even at the applicant's request. Copies may be provided to appropriate offices at the University in the interest of academic matters or financial awards relative to the applicant. 

Notification of Admission: After the application and credentials are reviewed by the appropriate graduate program and academic college, Graduate Studies informs the applicant of the final University admission decision. Students are admitted as graduate degree-seeking or graduate non-degree students. Degree-seeking students are fully or provisionally admitted to the program for which they have applied. 

Required Immunizations: Admitted students must submit an immunization form (pdf) to the Center for Student Wellness office before your first day of classes. Proof of immunity is required of all students in order to register for classes. Any immunization requirement can be completed at Health Services.


Additional Information


Admission Classifications

For program specific application and admission requirements, please see individual program.

If you have additional questions please e-mail Graduate Studies at