Travel Support for Graduate Students

Research, Presentations or Performances

Graduate Studies provides limited funding to support travel for student research, presentations and performances at professional conferences. The research or project presented must be conducted by a degree-seeking graduate student or students under the mentorship of Winthrop University faculty. Attendance at a conference by two or more students to make a single presentation of research or performance will be treated as one application. A travel award will be divided equally among group members participating in the presentation or performance.  


In order to apply for travel support, the student must be enrolled as a degree-seeking graduate student at Winthrop University at the time of the conference. The student must make a presentation or perform at the conference.


The maximum travel award is 80% of the total costs up to $200. The 80% will be figured on travel costs after all other forms of travel support funding have been applied. If a presentation or performance is being made by a group of students, the travel award will be divided among the group. Guidelines for processing payments against the award will be included in the award notification letter.


November 15 (for Fall)
April 15 (for Spring)
June 15 (for Summer)
Note: You may submit your application any time prior to the deadline. The forms must be submitted to the Graduate Studies Office NO FEWER THAN 14 DAYS BEFORE travel is to begin.

Application Instructions:

1. Complete and sign the "Travel Support for Graduate Student Research, Presentations or Performances" form (PDF - 350 KB)

2. Attach the following to the request form:

  • Invitation or acceptance letter to present or perform at the conference. (If the invitation or acceptance letter has not been received as of the application date, you may attach a copy of the invitation or acceptance letter to the Travel Reimbursement Request. Note on the request form that the invitation or acceptance has not yet been received.)
  • Abstract of your research presentation or description of performance.
  • Approval letter from the appropriate institutional committee. If approval is pending, attach submission confirmation from the committee.*   

*In order to receive funding, you must abide by all laws and regulations that govern research with humans, vertebrate animals, and biohazardous materials. You and your faculty mentor are responsible for obtaining authorization from the appropriate university committees. See the Grants and Sponsored Research Development website for policy guidelines and review forms.

3. Obtain approval signatures from your Faculty Mentor/Advisor, the Department Chair, and the College Dean.

4. Submit the signed form and attachments to: 

Graduate Studies 
211 Tillman Hall
Winthrop University
Rock Hill, SC 29733 

Questions can be directed to Graduate Studies at 803/323-2204 or