Winthrop Office of Online Learning (WOOL) Advisory Group


To serve as an advisory group to the Office of Online Learning regarding delivering and supporting quality online learning at Winthrop University.


To advise, assist, support and advocate for the ongoing development and continuous improvement of online learning at the University.


Jeannie Haubert, College of Arts and Sciences 

Greg Oakes, College of Arts and Sciences 

Edith Dillé, College of Business and Technology 

Stephanie Lawson, College of Business and Technology 

Marshall Jones, College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences 

Lindsay Yearta, College of Education, Sport, and Human Sciences 

Kathleen Burke, College of Visual and Performing Arts 

Karen Howard, College of Visual and Performing Arts

Robert Wildman, College of Visual and Performing Arts

Ashley Burnside, University College

Jane Eckert, Office of Online Learning 

Noreen Gaubatz, Institutional Effectiveness

Brian Davis, Computing and Information Technology

DeAnn Brame, Dacus Library 

Pat Guilbaud, School of Graduate, Continuing, and Online Education

Chris Keck, Office of Accessibility

Kim Brazzell, Office of Online Learning 

Lee Clark, Office of Online Learning

Kimarie Whetstone, Office of Online Learning 

Laurie Hillstock, Chief Executive Officer, External Member

Joyce Seaman, Innovation Coach, External Member


Established September 2017