Space Use

VIII. External Groups — Facility Fees and Charges

Please contact the Office of University Events for facility rental rates.


Support Costs


100% of fee   100% of costs 
  1. Business and Government association with no connection to Winthrop University
  2. All Weddings, Commitment Ceremonies and Receptions
70% of fee 100% of costs External groups associated with Winthrop through professional connections - no reciprocity involved
0% of fee 100% of costs External groups which contribute in kind to Winthrop and groups with reciprocal arrangements
0% of fee 0% of costs Internal groups, except for fund raising eventsby all groups - fund raising groups pay rental and support costs

Determination of Class:  If there is a question regarding classification of an external group, the Vice President of the area concerned will make the determination and notify the President and the Assistant to the President for university events.


Future Space Requests

All accounts must be paid in full for clients to hold future events on Winthrop's campus. If the account becomes outstanding, any dates held for future events will be released.