Space Use 

I. General Policies

A. Definitions

1. Instructional Space: Space on campus designed for and used for the instruction of Winthrop students. Specifically, classrooms, studios, laboratories, seminar rooms, physical education facilities, and auditoriums are considered instructional space. Instructional space which may be used for appropriate non-instructional uses if available:

2. Non-Instructional Space: Space on campus designed for purposes other than the delivery of instruction. Below is a partial listing of non-instructional space.

3. Specialized Space: Space reserved for specialized use and not considered for other uses and/or any space which has specialized equipment such as Smart Classrooms.

4. Restricted Space: Space available only for its intended use.

5. Space Availability may not be available when the campus is closed for breaks on or near holidays.

B. Management of Space

1. Responsible Persons: The Vice President for Finance and Business is ultimately responsible for all campus space. The Vice President for Finance and Business appoints an employee to be responsible for space in each building on campus and he/she is referred to as the Space Use Manager.

2. The Space Use Manager is responsible for the following:

  • Approving space usage.
  • Determining limitations/restrictions for use of the building.
  • Inspecting the building and reporting damages and/or other misuse after an event to insure that charges are rendered when appropriate.
  • Insuring cleanliness, repairs, maintenance, and adequate supplies to the building.
  • Maintaining a building space use calendar and providing the Campus Space Reservation System Coordinator with information on events within the building.
  • On-site management of events.

3. Change in Use of Space: Requests for a change of function will be submitted to the Vice President for Finance and Business after consultation with and concurrence of the Vice President of the area concerned. Such requests are subject to review by other college and/or state agencies and are subject to approval by the President.

4. Temporary Alteration of Space: Requests for alteration of space will be submitted to the Vice President for Finance and Business after consultation with and concurrence of the Vice President of the area concerned. Such requests are subject to review by other college and/or state agencies and are subject to approval by the President.

5. Temporary Use of Space/Rentals: Under the restrictions included in this document, the Assistant to the President for University Events/or designee has the responsibility to issue all contracts for the temporary use of space. The Athletic Director/or designee issues all contracts for temporary use of the Winthrop Coliseum and the Farm area. The Director of the West Center issues all contracts for temporary use of the West Center.

6. Campus Space Reservation System Coordinator: Responsible for maintaining a space use calendar for the use of all campus space and for coordinating with each Space Use Manager, on items 1 - 5 above.

C. Users of Space

1. Categories: For the purposes of authorizing the use of space and charging fees, users are divided into two categories, internal and external.

A. Internal Users: Internal users can be classified into two subgroups:

  • Departments, programs, organizations, groups, and other activities housed on Winthrop's campus or whose program and operations are funded by university appropriated funds or federal/state grants to Winthrop University.
  • Student organizations or clubs whose programs and operations are funded by university appropriated funds or student fees.

B. External Users: All other users who do not meet the criteria in 1.a. These groups can be classified into three subgroups:

  • External businesses, government agencies, organizations and associations which have a relationship with Winthrop University.
  • External businesses, government agencies, organizations, associations, and individuals which have no connection of any kind to Winthrop University. Private parties, including those hosted by university employees, are included in this category.
  • External, usually professional, groups which have as members, Winthrop faculty or staff and which may or may not have reciprocal meeting arrangements with other colleges and universities.