Awards for Leadership

The Student Affairs Awards provide a distinctive opportunity for the Winthrop community to recognize students, faculty, and staff members who excel in the areas of citizenship, distinguished service to others, innovation, leadership, diversity, and promotion of the Winthrop spirit. These awards recipients are a source of inspiration and pride, giving unselfishly of themselves in order to enhance campus life and the Rock Hill community.


American Legion Award

A senior graduating in May or December is eligible to receive this award. The following is the basis to be used in choosing the award recipient:

  • Courage = 20%
    Determination to stand up for the right and do one's duty; a quality of intellect and will
  • Companionship = 20%
    Desire and ability to fill the voids in the lives of others caused by loneliness, illness, timidity, and other handicaps
  • Character = 20%
    Highly developed moral qualities; moral excellence; individuality expressed in decision-making and conduct
  • Service = 20%
    Kindliness, unselfishness, fellowship. protection of the weak, and promotion of the interests and welfare of others without thought of personal reward
  • Scholarship = 20%
    Scholastic attainment; evidence of industry and application in studies

Sullivan Awards

The Mary Mildred Sullivan Award is presented to a female member of the graduating class, and the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award to a male member of the graduating class. This includes May and December graduates. These awards are made to students who have given great service to Winthrop University. The selection committee will choose only students whose service has been given altruistically and whose character is such to lead the committee to believe this unselfish service will continue to be given to their community after they leave Winthrop. If in any year no male or female member of the graduating class has displayed such distinction in service to the university, the respective award will not be made. There is no specific GPA requirement.

Applications for these awards will be posted soon. For questions, please feel free to contact the Dean of Students Office at 803-323-4503.