Military Student Orientation

Orientation, coordinated through the Office of New Student and Family Programs, is a great opportunity to learn about all the wonderful services Winthrop has to offer, as well as learn about our policies and procedures.

Depending on your classification, you will be required to attend either "Freshmen Orientation" designed for our traditional aged, first-time freshmen, or "Transfer Orientation" designed for our post-traditional and transfer students.  As a military student if you have questions about which orientation you should or would like to attend, please contact contact University College Academic Advising.

Freshmen Orientation

Freshmen Orientation is held during the summer as a two-day overnight experience or in January as a full-day experience, depending on if you start at Winthrop in the fall or spring semester. During this Orientation session, you will meet other new students, learn your way around campus, learn about expectations for your Winthrop experience, and register for classes. Find more information on the NSFP website.

Orientation Leaders

OLs are upperclassmen students at Winthrop who work with new freshmen students and their families at Orientation. These students work hard throughout the spring semester and summer to train and prepare for helping new students in their transition. At Orientation, new students are assigned to an OL who will serve as their Winthrop point person and lead sessions to give students exclusive knowledge on what it means to be a Winthrop Eagle.

Transfer Orientation

Transfer Orientation is a one-day experience, held during the summer for students whose first semester is in the fall, or November and January for students whose first semester is in the spring. During Orientation, you will have an opportunity to network with other new Winthrop students, participate in sessions designed with your needs in mind, and familiarize yourself with campus. You also will have the opportunity to register for classes.

Transfer Fellows

Transfer Fellows are current Winthrop students who are military, adult, and/or transfer students.  During the Full Day Transfer Orientation sessions, you will be assigned to a Transfer Fellow who is here to assist you in transitioning to Winthrop. As a current military, adult, and/or transfer student themselves, the TFs can answer questions and help you navigate campus. During the semester, they will host a variety of events designed with your needs in mind, and will reach out to you throughout your first semester on campus.