Rebranding Initiative - Timeline



Brand perception study to evaluate Winthrop's current brand perception and reputation. Interviews, focus groups, and surveys with current students, faculty, staff, alumni, donors, board members, prospective students, and prospective student parents.

October 2016 — February 2017


Strategy Development

Analysis of research results to develop brand positioning, value proposition, and messaging.

February 2017


Visual Identity & Website Design/Development

Creative concept development, working through creative process to explore different creative directions.

March — August 2017


Creative Testing

Testing creative concepts for visual identity and website design with different audiences to guide direction. Focus groups with 110+ participants across campus including current students, faculty, staff, university leadership, alumni, and prospective students.

September — November 2017



Building visual identity and brand guidelines, preparing for launch of new branding.

December 2017 — January 2018


Website Design

Based on feedback from testing, fine tune website design and develop all site templates.

December 2017 — February 2018


Logo Reveal & Launch

Event to unveil the new logo marks to the world, begin phased rollout across campus. Retirement of old logo marks.

Press Release - "Winthrop Debuts New Logo After 25 Years" (February 22, 2018)

February 2018



Progressive changeover to new branding in phases. Training for communicators across campus. Ongoing refining and focusing of brand messaging.

March 2018 - ongoing


Website Migration

Migration of content and new design to new content management system.

Summer — Fall 2018


Website Launch

New goes live with new design, navigation and mobile responsiveness.

May 2019