Visual Identity Manual

Each time a Winthrop University logo appears, it is a tangible reminder of the important role that the university plays in the educational life of this region. Frequently, the first contact individuals have with Winthrop is through a letter, publication, or commemorative item bearing the university logo or through the Winthrop website. As trademarks and visual symbols of Winthrop, it is important that all logos be used appropriately in printed and digital formats to ensure that our institution is properly recognized and our reputation enhanced.

The visual identity system includes all Winthrop word marks, logos and symbols, accompanied by the policies and guidelines that define how the marks are to be used. This comprehensive system ensures that the public receives clear and consistent messages regarding Winthrop's identity. The system is the foundation for other elements of an effective communications program, one that will drive marketing and enrollment well into the future.

Included in the visual identity system are information and policies regarding:

  • Official logos including the Winthrop University horizontal logo, stacked logo, words-only logo, and the eagle and shield logomark
  • Placement and appropriate usage of official logos
  • Color palettes
  • Typefaces
  • Stationary items
  • Guidelines for producing a publication

Please keep in mind that any materials developed targeted to external audiences or groups will follow the guidelines in the Visual Identity Manual (pdf - 3.96 MB).

Related Files and Downloads

Cultural Event Graphics*

*Cultural Event graphics can only be used for approved Cultural Events. 

Global Cultural Event Graphics*

*Global Cultural Event graphics can only be used for approved Global Cultural Events. 

Request Accommodations Graphics

E-mail Signature Instructions


Research Poster Backgrounds

NOTE: When deciding whether to use widescreen or standard screen, consider the dimensions of the screen in the space where you will be presenting. Using the correct version for that screen will ensure the logo is not distorted when displayed on screen.

* Instructions for setting up Winthrop Standard PowerPoint Background

1. Right click on the PowerPoint file you want to use and choose Save Link As.
2. Save the file to your preferred location on the computer.
3. Open PowerPoint.
4. Right click anywhere on the background (be sure to not be on a text box or picture).
5. Choose Format Background.
6. Choose Picture or Text Fill.
7. Click Insert Picture from File.
8. Navigate to where the file is saved on your computer and choose Insert.
9. Click Apply to All (at very bottom) to add it to every slide.

For specific logo files, creation of logos with unit signatures, creation of electronic (HTML) letterhead, or general questions please contact Jill Stuckey, director of printing and creative services.