Making an Appointment

Our appointments are all managed through our online scheduler: MyWCOnline

To make an appointment, click on the link above. If this is your first time visiting the Writing Center, you will need to set up an account using your Winthrop e-mail address. Click on the “Register for an account” link on the sign-in page, as seen here:

MyWCOnline Login/Sign Up Page
MyWCOnline Login/Sign Up Page

Follow the directions in the menu that opens up to give us some basic information about yourself (preferred e-mail, class standing, primary languages, major, etc.).

Once you log in, you will see the available schedule with the current week listed as a default. It will look something like this: 

MyWCOnline Scheduling Calendar
Calendar that will appear when making an appointment. White boxes indicate available times.

You will see the current week’s dates at the top and the schedule with the tutors available for each day. If a box in the schedule is white, that means the tutor is available at that time.  

Click on the available slot and fill out all required information.


MyWCOnline Appointment Screen
Popup that appears when you make an appointment; the instructor's name will be visible.

Once you have made your appointment, review how to prepare for an appointment.